Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day 3: No Yo-Yo!

I was thinking last night...I don't want to be that person...
That person that looses weight...and then gains it back, and then looses again...and then gains it back. I have EXTREME respect for those who can be successful after gaining it back. But I don't want to be a Yo-Yo. I want to be that person who gets it off and keeps it off!! I personally know a few people who have done that and they look great!! And those people TOTALLY inspire me!! I want to run 5k's and ride my bike 20 miles and be fit and active. Dang it!!! My heart is totally into only I can get my body to follow along we'll be in BUSINESS!! Haha

So the competition was the very first time I have successfully lost a substantial amount of weight. So I've's ok...I know I can do it...I know how utterly TERRIBLE it feels to gain it all back...And I am going to take complete control so that this doesn't happen again. It can't. Because it takes toooooo much effort to start all over!!! 

I have been overwhelmed ALREADY by how many people are reading my blog! You guys have always surprised me and really pushed me to do my best. :)

Today has been my best 'eating' day so far. I don't have a bunch of healthy food in my house, in fact I have exactly the opposite. So making good choices is definitely a challenge. But, I am slowly integrating the healthy stuff back in. Because, let's face it, I sure can't afford to let the food I already have go to waste. So this past weekend when I was at Sam's Club, I got a big box of Nature Valley protein bars. They have 10 g of protein in them and 190 cal per bar. Although they aren't my favorite, they definitely do the trick for a quick and easy breakfast. Today for lunch I had some leftover Penne with garlic bread. So definitely not the healthiest of choices, but a big improvement, because I would normally be snacking all throughout the day. For dinner I was in Dexter, and I was STARVED, so I stopped at BK and got a salad and chicken sandwich. Again...not the best of decisions, but waaaaay better than previous choices. I feel pretty good about today. If only I had my gym membership and had got some cardio in, that would have been success! 

When I got home from work my Plexus package was here! Woohoo! I opened that puppy up right away and went ahead and drank my first "Pink Drink" haha. And I'm telling you they must have changed some things up since I tried the trial pack! That stuff was yummy!! I bet it would taste amazing in a smoothie!! Lol. 

So it's the end of Day 3 and I'm winding down...I went grocery shopping today so I feel MUCH better about how I'll be eating! Yay! 

Have a good night my friends!

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