Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 1: A New Beginning

Yep, I'm back! It's been over a year! Can you believe that? I sure can't. I also can't believe that I put so much effort into changing my life, just to let it all go to waste. I was reading over some of my old blogs and it was really dissapointing. I worked SO HARD to get the results I did. And I did great. And then a quit. And then I tried really hard to get back at it before it was too late....but it was an endless spiral of food addiction centered ugliness. Fast forward a year and a half and BAM! Here I am...At an all new "highest" point and even more miserable than ever about it. I mean seriously, my feet are down there....but shoo-wee! They are hard to get to.

When I started this blog is was at the beginning of a competition and I was FIRED UP and ready to GO GO GO! Well, I won the competition, inspired many friends, and even a few strangers, to take control of their own lives and get that weight off, and then I lost complete sight of the goal and let myself gain every bit of the weight back PLUS some extra for bonus points. Well I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm SUPER lucky. I don't have diabetes (yet) or high blood pressure (yet) or any serious health concerns related to my obesity (yet)...but it's only a matter of time. And I have come to find out that I have a pinched nerve in my left thigh that is cause by my body is crying out for me to save it and I've done nothing but poison it! Ugh...

So....I needed a game plan. #1 I signed up to sell Plexus. Ha...I know that may sound insane to some people, BUT I can get it at wholesale price and share with others :) PLUS I've seen the testimonies and watched people melt away without doing much beisdes drinking a little pink drink everyday. However, don't get me wrong...that is not All I plan to do. It's just part of my formula. #2 I have to drink water...I hate water...and I don't want to drink it...but it's what all of our bodies need to function properly and Diet Coke or Sprite just isn't giving me the fuel I need. #3 I have to make healthier eating choices #4 I absolutely have to get active. I've been at a desk job for about 15 months now and it has only fueled those fat cells even more. Boo. I do not even have a current gym membership at the this could get tricky with the weather turning off cold. BUT I'm going to take it one day at a time...and I will succeed...right?

I've read about muscle memory and boy am I hoping my body cooperates with that. I have to be super careful not to burn out with over working out, but I have to see results or I get discouraged. My very first goal is to fit Back in to my FAT clothes...yea you read that right. How crazy does that sound. But it's the truth, I'm busting out of my biggest clothes and that has to change or I won't have any clothes to wear!

So say a prayer for me, send me an encouraging note, or just support me...because this is the hardest journey I've ever been on and it is super easy to get discouraged and just quit. And I can't afford to keep quitting. My life may very well depend on it. So hang on and enjoy the ride....


  1. You did it once, I know money was a motivating factor. But, money cant buy the way you will feel when you reach goals. I know you can do it again! You might even motivate me to get back on the bandwagon. I fell off too.

  2. You get it started and I'll join in in a few months :) You can do this! God is on your side. I'm glad you started the blog back up. I'll try not to be an enabler next time I see you ;)

  3. Go You! I'm excited to see where this new journey takes you :)

  4. You can do it!! I'm restarting too--feel free to join me at, I need all the cheering on I can get. Meanwhile, I have two suggestions. Crystal Light flavor packets for the water (I like the fruit punch best), and stash way $5 or $10 dollars any time you have a good week--by the end of the year you'll have a nice "prize" to give yourself. Come to think of it, I'm going to do that too. :)
