I'm sure you want to know how my weigh in went, but we'll get to that in a minute. First I wanna share something else with you. So I had a HUGE accomplishment for myself yesterday!! If you tuned in to yesterday's blog, you saw that I had over 6,000 steps in by noon. But then I had a horrible migraine from the heat and ended up lying in bed for a while. Well...I made myself get up and get moving and even though I spent four hours of the evening on a train ride and at a little performance thing, I still hit 10,000 steps. Woohooooo!!!!!
The only downfall to this, was that when I got out of bed this morning, I thought my feet were broken. Wowsa, this fat body sure isn't made for that much action! But, never the less, I am very proud of myself for reaching that goal!
OK, so on to the weigh-in. I went back and forth on whether I was going to share my weight in the beginning because it is super shameful and I feel awful that I've allowed myself to get in this condition. In the end, I decided that I will, because that number is the past and I pray to God that I never see it again. Ever. So, last Tuesday evening, I weighed in for the DietBet at 371 pounds. I know you are probably wondering how I let myself get to that point, but honestly, it didn't feel like a decision. I'm not a binge eater except on rare occasion. I don't normally consume 5,000 to 10,000 calories per day and just sit on the couch and eat all day. That's not me. I'm also not the person you see on TV admitting to going to multiple drive-thrus and getting a ton a of crap. In fact, I rarely eat fast food. If you were to look at how often the average person eats at a driver thru I'm 100% certain that I would be at the bottom of that statistic.
So why am I fat? In my personal opinion, its largely due to the fact that I have a naturally low metabolism, I eat processed foods, and have PCOS which causes my body to store those foods differently. I have had to make peace with the fact that my body was just made differently than the average person's. If I want to stay healthy and lose weight and then maintain that weight, I am going to HAVE to stay active and make healthy eating choices. Otherwise, the weight will come back and I'll be right back where I started.
So, admittedly, I've been on the scale pretty much every day since Tuesday night. I normally weigh in the morning because you weigh less in the morning and your body fluctuates throughout the day. Not to mention, my ankles are swelled up puff balls of fury by the end of each day. But I weighed Tuesday evening for the DietBet because I decided to join on a spur of the moment and wanted to hurry up and get started before I talked myself out of it. So I thought Wednesday morning I would hop on and see if it was different. Nope. 371. Well crap. I really weigh 371. That was a hard pill to swallow. So, I set my determination to full throttle and got busy.
This morning when I eased onto the scale it ever so kindly gave me a number of 361.6. I'll take that! 9.4 pounds in 5 days...I call that a victory! So what if it's mostly water weight?! Haha...I'm just gonna pretend like it's 9.4 pounds of pure fat. :-)
So I have am often online researching weightloss and success stories and all of that and one thing I wanted to be sure of was making sure I get enough protein. If you consume enough protein the weight that you lose will be more fat than anything else and that's what we want! So for my weight I need to get around 160-180 grams of protein per day. Easier said than done! That's a butt load of protein! Sooo...I went and got me some protein powder. Not the best form of protein, but at least it will get me where I need to be for now. I found some that is 150 cals per scoop and has 60 grams of protein! That's exciting! I made a protein smoothie this morning and it tasted great!
Here's the breakdown of my food today:
Strawberry Smoothie: 1 1/2 cup strawberries, 1 scoop of protein powder, 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, 2 tsp honey= 400 cals (this made enough for two so I just used the other half for a snack later in the day)
China Buffet for Father's Day. I ate from the grill: sliced Beef, broccoli, mushrooms, water chestnuts & Mongolian sauce. 1/2 cup of red grapes = 303 cals
Afternoon Snack
Stacy's Garlic Bagel Chips=130 cals
Pork Steak, Broccoli, and corn on the cob= 371 cals
So, at this point I'm sitting at 1204 calories for the day...not enough really, but I've been super lazy so I guess I'm OK with it. My biggest issue is that I only had 94 grams of protein even with the smoothie. Argh...I will get it figured out. I'm definitely gonna have some almonds before bed, that'll get the protein up a bit more
Until next time...you guys have a great night. Thank you SO MUCH for tuning in. Seeing how many people read my blog does WONDERS for my motivation!
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