Monday, October 30, 2017

October 30th, 2017: No Rewards

So I have this crazy mentality that if I have a good week and lose some weight, well I deserve a reward! And of course, in my brain, that means chocolate. I told myself Friday night that if I lost at least 2 pounds on Saturday, I deserved a Mini Snickers. I had it sitting out on my table from filling Halloween Trick or Treat bags and everything! I went and weighed in, and holy DANG I lost 4 pounds....oh yea...I'm getting that snickers. I went in the kitchen and I looked at it.

Is it really worth it? Hmm

So I decided to think about it. What if that tiny Snickers kicks me out of ketosis and sets me back? What if it causes me to stall out again? Do I want it more than I want to lose weight?

I'm proud to say, I overcame that little indecent. that snickers is still sitting on my table. It was SUPER hard to leave it there, but doing so...I think it made me stronger! I CAN stop myself. Without anyone's help at all. I hold the power to make the good changes.

I can be successful and not reward myself with food. I see it all the time that it's the worst kind of sabotage for weightloss. I love setting goals with non-food rewards though. Last year, I had a goal to hit 50 pounds lost and I would get a massage. It was GREAT! But I have to get cheaper rewards this time around. Lol.

I'm trying something new this week with my food. We shall see what happens. I realized I was only getting an average of 7-10 grams of Fiber per day. Women should get 20-25. I NEVER get that high. So I made some insanely high Fiber muffins that have 0.6 carbs (oh yea) in them. They aren't amazing, but...they are ok. I think they are kindof dry, so I may try to change up the recipe a bit if this works well for me. Fiber is super important for weightloss and gut health. And I'm all about that!

Halloween is tomorrow! I might need some Atkins M&M's to survive it! Lol! I do plan to make some keto cupcakes to help with any sugar cravings I might have. So we shall see how the day/night goes.

Thanks for tuning in!

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