Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 129: I See the Light!

Oh yay! I'm so excited, lol. I got on te scale this morning and it finally MOVED. I had a feeling that it might since I've been carrying around about 5 pounds of water weight and I was peeing like a pregnant lady last night! Haha!! So now I'm still up one pound from my final weight for the Competition, but I'm going in the right direction again and I'll be dipping in to those 270's before ya know it!!

I am SOOOO thankful to have seen the scale move for me. My brain was really starting to play tricks on me and I was getting in a bit of a rut!! NO RUTS! I can't WAIT to get under 250! I know I still have a while to go before I get there, but I'm excited about it! That's my 100 pound mark :-)

I made plans with my cousin to come over for grilled Kabobs for lunch today and they were really yummy. I bought a box of angel food cake mix a few weeks ago with the plans to make it into cupcakes. A cupcake equals out to only 40 calories! So I enjoyed one with strawberries and whipped cream today after lunch and it was REALLY good. :-)

I did a little bit of light cleaning around the house and then it was time for Zumba! I did two hours tonight and was SUPER proud of myself for sticking it out because it was soooooo hot in that room!! 80 degrees with around 40 ladies...yea, we were some steamin' hot mamasitas!!! I seriously didn't plan on staying the full two hours, but my sis came the second hour and I just ended up staying. Lol. I was really glad that I did too!!

Good night :-)
<3 Honor

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