Weekends are really hard for me! But for a different reason than most people. Most people are off on the weekends and have a hard time dealing with their days off and making smart decisions...not me! My problem is that I work the MOST on the weekends so I can't find hardly any time or energy to workout! By the time Sunday night rolls around, I'm exhausted, and haven't worked out in TWO days! That's not ok for me! Especially not while I'm in this challenge! I don't have the time to take it easy if I want to win! Grrr...! Lol so now it's nearly 8:00 on Sunday night and I have to go home (eating a Subway sandwich on my way), change into workout clothes and drive 30 minutes to the only gym that's open 24 hours in my area...and I'm already EXHAUSTED!! This is my life...lol...but I have already been rewarded heavily for my diligence so there's not a chance that I'm giving up now!!
I have to say...I have a jealousy problem...let me explain. When I'm in the grocery store, and I see this teeny tiny woman shopping and buying all of the stuff my body thinks it wants...yea I get jealous, because she doesn't have to struggle like I do. Or when I do go out for dinner and there are people who can have whatever they want because they don't gain weight and I can gain 5 pounds just by LOOKING at their dinner...yep, I get jealous. BUT...I have come to realize, that the struggle to get the weight off and KEEP it off, is just going to make me mentally and physically stronger, and although they might be able to eat whatever they want now...a lot of times those people really struggle with their weight later in life and have absolutely no idea how to fix it. At least I'm still fairly young and digging my heals in now...so when I am older, I can enjoy my life and live it to its fullest!!
This week has been a very hard week for me, and it will undoubtably show on the scale. I can't undo any of the decisions I've made this week, I can just choose to not repeat them!
I honestly believe that if I didn't have to work so much, I would be able to do so much better at this! But I just have to work with what I've got...
Thanks for tuning in! Have a great night :-)
<3 Honor
Hi! Boy, can I comment on this one! I have HUGE struggles with jealouy and entitlement, and I've made some real progress. I love the scripture-"and the truth shall set you free." That skinny teenager eating a hotfudge sundae at church? She's on the cross country team and runs at least 10 miles a day. If I run 10 miles I can have a hot fudge sundae too. My friends brother who inhales burgers and stays so skinny? He has dangerously high blood pressure at age 21. People I don't know who are eating movie popcorn, funnel cakes and candy bars--more likely than not I am seeing their one splurge for the week, or they work out like crazy, or they are able to eat much smaller portions than I can of the goodies, or they are on their way to becoming much fatter. I seem to have an automatic radar that zeros in on every skinny person I see who is eating something fattening. I have had to deliberately reset my radar to notice every time I see skinny people eating right or exercising--they do that much more often.