Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 10: I Feel Amazing!!

I cannot describe to you how great I feel! I've been proud of myself for accomplishments before, but this, this is such a big deal!! I have received so many encouraging words and good wishes over the past 10 days! I can't imagine what it will feel like when I can actually SEE the results. My muscles are still tender, but that's a good thing. That tells me that the workouts I'm doing are building muscle. I'm certainly not working towards body builder status, but having a little bit of a bicep sure wouldn't hurt my feelings! I'm struggling with cravings, of course. I just keep telling myself that as long as I keep overcoming them, they will become less and less. It's hard to imagine that at this point though!! I've been spending a lot of time the past few days working on a cake, and that's when I feel the weakest! EVERYTHING looks tasty to me! Maybe just a little lick of buttercream icing...or just a small piece of the cereal treat...haha NO! That's a TRAP! A little leads to a little more, and then a little more...and then I fall off of the bandwagon! No thanks:) So instead I had a nice filling bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, and then when I started feeling hungry again I had a bowl of Doc's Chili(biggest loser recipe with only 162 calories per cup and nice and hearty!) So I've made it through the majority of my day and am now seated at a booth at Applebees with my sis, which is a huge thing because I've been staying away from restaurants, other than Subway...but they have their under 550 menu and I'm on it!! Thanks for reading dear friends! <3 Honor

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