Yesterday was a long day and today seems to be following a similar pattern. Christmas is right around the corner and I have a huge list of things that have to get done...yet I volunteer myself for more...why do I do that?
I spent part of last night and a vast majority of my morning making mini cupcakes to package up and take to the pastors house so that they can be distributed in goody bags for our local school faculty. PLUS , I spent the majority of the night last night with my mom working on some little flower arrangements to take to a nursing home that our church sponsored for Christmas. Yea, my church is awesome ;) I love being involved in stuff like that, but my work schedule makes it nearly impossible most of the time.
So, needless to say, all of this goody baking is a definite challenge in the world of healthy living!! And I have been a very good best advice for you is to bake on a full stomach. I eat my healthy meal and then do my baking so that way I'm not quite so tempted.
Today was another one of those days to where I normally would not have worked out. My body is tired and my muscles are sore. But I took my butt to the gym like I knew I needed to! Right now I'm a little overwhelmed by how much stuff has to be done before Christmas. And I'm working really hard to stay on track. But I want you to know that it is not easy! Every single day, if not multiple times a day, I crave food that is bad for me... But somehow I have managed to overcome the cravings. Christmas time is a really hard time for anyone to diet especially someone who is morbidly obese, and I am by no means looking forward to it. But I really feel like I have a better grip than I ever have before.
Today has been one of the hardest days out of all of them as far as food cravings are concerned. But I survived that to, and now I'm going to get me some dinner!
Thank you for reading my dear friends!
<3 Honor
I stayed up to read your blog tonight and it wasn't very helpful to me :) I want the cravings to get better not worse. You're supposed to be telling me how much easier it gets. I'm on day 4 now and it was rough not eating the junk/snack food at work and then to make myself work out when I just want to go to sleep. (I should be sleeping instead of writing this but I'll go to bed soon!) Keep up the good work and I will too and God will bring us through. Love you bunches!