Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Day 24: My Sister's Birthday

Today is my one and only little Sister's birthday. We will go out for dinner as a family and this will be my first celebratory dinner since the beginning of my journey, which will be a nice test for the upcoming Christmas temptations. I know that most people would say that my plan for today is a bad one, but I'm doing what I think is right for me. Which means that I have had under 500 calories so far today. And I did that so that I can enjoy dinner with my family without feeling like I'm going to go over my calories for the day, or go without. That's a smart plan in my brain. :-) I managed to squeeze in 20 minutes of Cardio and I'm good with that for today because I have been a busy bee all day working on finishing the Barbie cake, which came out beautifully! And working on cupcakes to take to my Granny's for Christmas at her house. So I have been on my feet nearly all day.

Everybody thinks I'm crazy for making sweets while I'm changing my eating habits and overcoming these food addictions...but I really feel like it helps me stay on track! The smell kindof gets nauseating after a while and then I'm not cravings sweets at all. I LIKE that! Because this girl likes some sweets!

It's time to get ready for dinner! Wish me luck! And thanks for reading!
<3 Honor

1 comment:

  1. Have a great dinner! I usually tend to not eat much for breakfast or lunch and eat more at home. I used to not eat anything for breakfast so a small breakfast is good for me. I'm not really looking forward to eating all these holidays meals. I don't like eating and not really knowing the calories. At home and work I KNOW what I'm eating... I think I'm just gonna have to eat way less than normal and call it good this weekend. Have a wonderful night!
