Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 36: Hello there jeans!

36 days ago I had one pair of jeans that fit me. Four or five months ago I decided I needed more than one pair that fit well, so I went to Fashion Bug to get me a pair. The pair I had was a 30 (I wear a 26/28 in everything BUT jeans) so I went in to buy me another pair. I tried on four different styles and not a single pair was comfortable. I settled on a pair, thinking that if I'd lose 'a few pounds' they would fit better. I wore them to see a movie (which is already an uncomfortable thing since the seats are not 'fat-friendly') and between the seats squeezing my hips so bad that I had bruises and the pants being so tight I thought I would be sick, I was miserable when I made it home and cried myself to sleep. So those jeans went in the closet to stay until I lost weight. Well today, I decided to see how they feel...and they fit!! I was so excited!!!

Today was a really great day! Although it is eleven and I haven't worked out yet...but I WILL before I go to bed! I went to Cape today with my good friend Ariel & her boyfriend, to try to get some things I needed for a western themed bridal shower cake I'm making this week and I found some really great stuff!! Really excited to make this cake because it's going to be awesome!

On my little outing we stopped for dinner at Chick-fil-a and I had a reall tasty dinner that didn't make me feel guilty. :) I had some of their sinfully amazing chicken nuggets and a side salad. I had quite a few calories by dinner so I enjoyed croutons and sunflower seeds in my salad with Ranch dressing! And let me tell ya...those folks know how to make an awesome side salad!!

So I ended up having a really great day and now I have to get in a workout!!

Have a good night!
<3 Honor :-)

1 comment:

  1. It is so awesome fitting into jeans that didn't fit before! Yay for you! soon I'll be boxing up some clothes for you! For my birthday present I'm going to go through Jessica's old clothes and hopefully some fit! So excited for you! Can't wait til weigh in!
