Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 48: BA-Da-Bing!

For those of you that have been reading for a while you might remember a really weird goal that I have. Which is to lose enough inches round my waist so that I can measure them with one measuring tape.

I'm almost there!! It's really hard for me to stretch out a measuring tape and realize that I am literally that big around! But a turtle, I'm getting there!

Last week when I weighed in I was about a half of an inch away from having that measuring tape touch!! I'm so excited about it! I fully expect to have this goal in the bag really soon! Making little goals like that may seem silly to some people, but for me having a bunch of small goals keep me going! So I have two goals that I'm getting close to: dropping that three off the front of my number, and getting it down to one measuring tape...I'm READY! I can't wait to get started in my next goals!

My next set of goals are getting under 275 and to lose a foot. I'm sure that last one doesn't make any sense, but in Honor World it does!! I want to lose 12 inches. That's a combined total of the different areas I measure: neck, bust, waist, & hips. The inches come off even slower that the weight, but it's really nice when the scale isn't doing much for ya and you measure yourself and then BA-Da-BING! You lost some inches!!

Good night!
<3 Honor

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