Friday, July 15, 2016

July 15th, 2016, Don't Wait For Inspiration, BE the Inspiration!

 Don't Wait For Inspiration, BE the Inspiration! Yup, that's my new motto. You don't really have to work all that hard to be an Inspiration in my opinion. All you have to do is give your best and have that show results and then BAM, you start inspiring people! I know my post was a little, poor me, yesterday, and I want you to know that I am not like that all of the time. That is just the darkest part of my sickness. And yes, it's a sickness. No one can get to the point of where I am and it not be.

I talked about this when I first started my blog, but I do have a medical condition called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (P.C.O.S.). It causes me to have infertility issues and makes it VERY easy to gain wait due to insulin resistance, but also makes it much harder to lose weight. There is a pretty popular show on TLC right now where a girl is almost the exact same size as me, but she uses her P.C.O.S. almost as a crutch. I used to. Not anymore. NO EXCUSES. I Can and WILL do this. I just have to work a little harder at it than the average bear (pun intended, haha).

For me, the diet part isn't the hard part. I mean it has it's challenges and it isn't easy. But the exercise is hardest for me. Thank God for Zumba, because that gets me some good cardio in without as much dread. I know it's good for me, but I don't have to like it! Lol. I get to a point where I almost crave that feeling of exhaustion, because I know that means I've gotten a lot accomplished and burnt some serious calories. My point of saying all of this is because, every one is different. What works for me may not work for you and vice versa. That's just how this works. And there are so many "rules" out there about weight loss. Don't eat this or that. Don't eat after 6 or 8 or whatever. Don't lift weights if you're a girl or you'll bulk up (totally NOT true). It's craziness. And it will make you NUTS! So don't get sucked into that mess.

I say, find a balance of what works for you and do it! You have to exercise in some form. You have to eat healthier and most likely less. But you fill out the details. The more strict you are, the more you'll lose. My first time around, I wasn't conscious of how many carbs I was consuming. I didn't watch my Protein or drink Protein shakes...non of that. I just ate 1500 calories and worked out 5-6 days a week and the weight started coming off. This time around, I'm 4 years older, I've lost and gained, so I thought, maybe I'd be a little smarter about it. I have a HUGE goal set for myself. I want to lose 200 pounds in 2 years. Which would land me at 171 on my 36th Birthday. How fabulous would that be? I have many smaller achievements to reach first. But I know that goal is reachable, because I've seen other people do it! If they can do it, I can too. If I can do it, YOU can too. :)

Today, work was great, it went by pretty quickly and then I was off to the gym. The plan was to do a short workout, and then go swimming with my family. But, they had forecasted for a storm, and the YMCA is extremely careful about storms. A little too careful in my opinion, but it's not my job so who am I to judge? So, I actually ended up going to the Goodwill with my cousins and then to eat Chinese. I would have been much better off with it the work out, but I wouldn't have enjoyed that nearly as much! LOL I have every intention of doing an at home workout tonight when I get home. Even if it's not a whole lot. I just have to get some calorie burn in today. This is already my normal light day anyways, so I am not very stressed about it.

Here is the breakdown of my food choices for today:

PB & Banana Smoothie = 325 cals

Half of a turkey Sammy, cottage cheese, celery w/almond butter, and I was gonna have watermelon...but it smelled a little sour :( = 449 cals

Afternoon Snack 
 Raisins & a Protein Shake - 190 cals

Chinese (sliced beef, broccoli, mushrooms, & water chestnuts) a Chicken on A Stick, a tiny bit of Black Pepper Chicken, and a fortune Cookie = 476 cals

I ended my day with 1440 calories. Not to bad.

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