Saturday, July 9, 2016

July 9th, 2016: What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

Ok my title is a little dramatic sounding today, but it's because I've had that song in my had since this morning. I woke up way too early for a Saturday morning for someone who doesn't have kids. Haha..but I got up and got moving, had breakfast and headed to the gym with my motivation partner, my sister. She REALLY is my motivation partner. We are on different diets, but we have the same goals. We are about the same weight, so we have a lot in common. What cracks me up is how different we are when it comes to working out. I can get on the Arc Trainer and go to TOWN, but she is more interested in getting conditioned enough to start running. I'm pretty sure you couldn't pay me to run. LOL...

When I think about running, I'm sent back to my childhood and running the mile at school. It was my LEAST favorite thing in life. I would have chosen anything else. I was always the very last one that came in and I usually did my mile just over 10 minutes. Yup, you read that right. I know a ton of adults that are busting but to run a 10 minute mile, yet when I was a teenager, that's what I did and I was dead LAST every time. If I only knew then, what I know now.... yea I said When I was a teenager, I used to always joke that I wouldn't be the person who, 10 or 15 years later said, "Boy I wish I were as skinny as I was in High School!". Pshhh puh-leez!! I would give anything to go back in time and smack some sense into that girl!! Ha! Yea...I was overweight...but I graduated High School right around the 200 pound mark. Geez...what I wouldn't give to be there again! I was the same height as I am now. 5' 6", yet when I looked in the mirror, I saw someone that is as big as I am now. I saw ugliness and fat. And I hated myself.

Here I am now...15 years later, I got to almost DOUBLE that weight. Wow. That's craziness. And I'm having to bust my BUTT to make it all go away. I did an hour of Zumba this morning, followed by 15 minutes on the Arc Trainer, and then I think I walked for 15-20 minutes. We were just walking to finish up the time we had left before the pool opened. OH and I did legs today. So I had very effective Jello Legs. Haha. I always tease that Jello Legs is how you know you worked hard enough at the gym. By that test...I get a gold star today! I pushed extra hard because the scale has NOT been kind to me this week. In fact, I don't think I'm going to lose a single pound this week. Partially because last week was so big, but also because I have some serious water retention/sodium issues and on top of that, I'm having some very bad female issues that the doctor said is because of my extreme change in lifestyle, because of the PCOS. My body is literally revolting against me. So I thought I would give it an extra push today to see if I can get anywhere. Of course I've been pushing all week, I haven't gone over my calorie budget one time since I started. I've been very dedicated. So...if this week a loss isn't in the cards for me, I'm going to roll with it.

The Diet Bet ends on Tuesday. I've got that 4% loss in the bag, so I'm not stressed about that. I had planned to do another one right away, but I realized that my Younique Convention in St. Louis is the first week of August. Although I plan to work out and watch (and log) my caloric intake, non of it will be from home, and I won't have 100% control over what is available to me. So, I don't want the added stress of another Diet Bet to add to it. So I've decided to wait until after the convention and then I'll join another one. I love the added motivation it gives me!
I was feeling good today! And this pic really helped, because I am NOT that thin..haha, but it's nice to look at!

Ok here is the breakdown of my food choices today:

I'm addicted-  Strawberries and Cream Oatmeal = 260 cals

Half a Turkey Sammy & fresh Strawberry Slices = 209 cals

Afternoon Drink
I've been CRAVING a Strawbettey Lemonade from the Lemonade House Grille, and today I had one. I had plenty of calories = 190 cals

Afternoon Snack
Unsalted, Roasted Sunflower Seeds = 180 cals

Spinach & Mozzarella Stuffed Chicken Breast, Salad, & Baked Potato with Salsa and Sour Cream (if you've never tried it with salsa you TOTALLY should, it's great and you don't miss the butter at all!) = 572 cals

So I'm sitting at 1411 calories for the day. I feel good about that! So say a little prayer for me and the scale tomorrow...I don't wanna break it out of anger...haha!
That's not diet food, that's just TASTY!! :)

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