Sunday, July 31, 2016

July 31st, 2016: Week 7 Weigh-in

Well, if you have been reading my blog this week, you know that it has been a hard week for me. Friday was the hardest day I have had since I started this journey. So when I woke up this morning, I was not excited to get on the scale. I was honestly just hoping to lose maybe a pound, but I decided to be happy as long as I did not gain anything. So I got on the scale... last week I was at 342 pounds even,  the scale loves me, 338.8!! Somehow, by the grace of God alone, I lost 3 more pounds! I don't even know how that happened. That just goes to show you that your body is more resilient to bad decisions than you think. Especially if they aren't very often. Because other than that one day, every other day has been totally on point. I do feel like I'm losing a bit of energy toward my workouts. And I think that's just because I'm going hard 6 days a week. I may consider cutting back to 5 days a week. But I will still do something at home that 6 that day. I don't know. It kind of depends on how my body reacts to it. I definitely do not want to get burned out.

I spent my entire morning in the early afternoon meal prepping & snack prepping. I put a ton of stuff together. And then of course I worked on packing my clothes and all of that mess too. I don't know what my problem is, but I feel like I have to over pack every time we go anywhere. I think that's a normal thing right? The problem is, my husband has the same issue. I was making fun of him and calling him a girl today. He has like two outfits per day packed, I believe! LOL. He used the comparison that I have two outfits per day, but that didn't fly, because I only have one outfit for a day on our normal days. The two outfits are for a convention because I'm going to dress casual during the day and a little dressy or at night. That's totally normal! He wants to take gym clothes, casual clothes, and nicer clothes, for... like everyday! Like I said, he's a girl! LOL

Meal Prepping Like a Boss!
After running around all morning like a chicken with my head cut off, I headed to Sikeston. I decided not to do YPump, because I just really didn't have enough time. So I went to Zumba, and gave it 100%. It was a good workout, and I was good a tired afterward! After running a few errands I headed back home to hop in the shower (because I had a spray tan scheduled for this evening & just worked out...nuff said) and then I rushed to make dinner and give my dog a bath since she is coming with us after all. She has to be so fresh and so clean!! Lol!! She hates the act of getting a bath, but she sure does love being clean. She just prances all over the house like a crazy dog afterwards. LOL. 

Anyways, my parents came to visit before we left (and to see their grandbabies who conveniently live next door in the same apartment building), so I went over and visited with them a bit, then came back home to work on getting everything finalized. It's not finalized. Lol....It must get done! 

I went and got my spray tan. I have a self-tanner through Younique that is great, but I really wanted a Professional Spray Tan for our vacation. So that's what I did. And the lady who does them is just a freaking amazing woman! She is just precious and I think she's great. So of course I stood there talking to her way to long (it's how I roll) and made us both get home too late! So here I am, writing my blog after 10 and I still have much to do. Oh well...that's the crazy life I live. :)

Here is the breakdown of my weird food choices for today, lol: 


PB Banana Smoothie = 340 cals


Pistachios, Cottage Cheese & a Protein Shake = 360 cals


A burger on a Sara Lee Sandwhich Thin (only 100 cals) and an extra burger patty on the side for more protein (and calories, cuz I had plenty), and a side salad = 610 cals

That put me at 1310 calories for the day :) 

Can you believe that tiny amount is a serving??
Boy I sure used to eat a LOT over a serving of a LOT of foods.
Just Sayin!
You guys have a great night! We are hitting the road in the morning. :) 

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