This morning before I got on the scale I was feeling like I was going to see a big number. I don't know what it was, I just felt lighter... well, the number wasn't as big as I was dreaming, but it was a good number. -2.8... almost 3 pounds, not too shabby. I have six days before the meeting whenever we do a weigh in, and then four days after that to do a final weigh in. I don't know exactly how this is all going to turn out as far as when I'm going to be able to weigh in or whatever... but it sure has me freaked out! I usually weigh in the morning, obviously. But I'm going to have to weigh after 5 o'clock at night because that's when the meeting is on Monday. And that the last day to Welliant is Friday the 23rd, and I usually work in Cape on that day... so I need somebody to meet me up there and weigh me before I go to Cape that morning!! I want every single day that can count towards the competition, to count!!
So my total weight loss is 63.8! I am currently at 286.2 pounds! It has been a really long time since I have seen that number on a scale!! That is a percentage of weight loss of 18.2%!! Wow! I would really like to hit 70 pounds by the final day of the competition, but that means I will have to lose 5.2 pounds in just under 10 days! it's been a really long time since I've seen that big of numbers! But, that's my goal...
Today was good! I went to work and did the training I needed to do and then I had a really nice visit with each o my girls :) we don't get to work together, so it was really nice to get to talk to them. While talking to Kat (one of my girls), we had some very interesting conversation (always do!) and we talked about something that I said I totally had to blog about...problem is...NEITHER of us can remember what it was!!! So I guess I'll share when/if we ever figure it out :)
After work I got to enjoy lunch at Subway with my sis and my other girl at work, Allie. It was nice...I haven't eaten at Subway in a little while so it was a good treat. I'm really trying to kick the eating out thing a little. It seems like there's always something that comes up where I eat out. And I'm betting that's not helping my progress NOR getting me any closer to that 70 pound mark!
When I got home I had already decided I was going to clean my car out...and I mean CLEAN my car out. Lol...I am bad about keeping all kinds of junk in my trunk (haha <--junk in my trunk, lol) anyways....yea, and in my backseat and well...everywhere!! Not trash, just S.T.U.F.F. I don't know what that means, but that's what I mean!! Lol. So, I got everything out of my car and wiped it all down really good and then I took it to a Car Wash and did the whole vacuum and wash business...the result=A nice clean car that smells good and makes me happy! AND an hour and a HALF of hard work! Wow! Maybe I shouldn't let it get that bad anymore!?!
After I got my car cleaned I headed straight to Zumba (we had that guy from the radio in class again and he's super funny) and then I headed straight to Ladie's bible study. We talked about Eve tonight and how we need to be thankful for all that we have and never take it for granted. This is so true! I try to be very thankful for Everything in my life. It may not be a perfect life, but it's a far cry from destitute!!
I went and worked out with my momma for a bit tonight and actually got a pretty good (short) workout in on the Nordic Track before we left! We went to Walmart (kindof our Tuesday night thing workout+Walmart!) and afterward I ran in to my favorite cousins that I haven't gotten to catch up with in awhile and they have the Cutest little baby boy that I spent an HOUR playing with in Walmart parking lot while we visited! Lol.
Then I got to come home and go on a cleaning spree with my hubby :-) We have still got a LONG way to go before I say we're done, but we made some progress and that made me happy. I can't believe how quickly things can get SO cluttered! It's so crazy! And it makes me Nuts! It's like I have this subconscious mechanism that causes me to clutter and then the clutter makes my OCD go insane! Lol. What a mess!
I think I need a vacation JUST for cleaning! Ooooh that would be nice! Anywho...we are done for the night and I am ExHaSteD! I'm looking forward to a nice a productive day off tomorrow. :-) And I'm getting a haircut! I'm excited about that!
Good night!
<3 Honor
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