Yup, I give you all permission to call me lazy today! Lol. I had a nice uneventful day at work that just slowly crept by. It was actually pretty long because of the uneventfulness ( I think I just made up a new word, haha). My sinuses are kind of kicking my booty a bit right now, so I had a sinus headache and some itchy scratchy eyes most of the day.
After work I headed straight home. It's so weird to hop on the interstate and head home these days. Probably because that NEVER happens anymore. It was Nice! I came home and laid down a little bit and then I had to get up and get busy on editing some pictures that I took last weekend. I can't be procrastinating because I have two more shoots coming up this weekend, plus we have our quarterly home study with the Children's Division, so we have to make sure everything is good to go for that this weekend/Monday, because we will be too busy after that up to the time she comes next Friday.
I warmed up dinner (leftover Chili and some meat I cooked on Sunday) and then I got to work on editing the pictures. I've made some pretty good progress, but I still have quite a few to get done. I had to hit pause on those and hop on here to write to you lovely people. :)
I'll tell you something. Usually, after all the weight training I put in over the past week, my muscles would be screaming. But last night I soaked in an extremely hot tub of water and then Jamie massaged my achy muscles out and I woke up without hardly any discomfort at all. It was a very nice change for sure!
We are over the Hump of the week y'all! Are you as excited as I am? I'm ready for this 3-day weekend! I'm gonna keep it short tonight since I've got pics to get edited.
Here is the breakdown of my food choices from today:
An Orange and a packet of Peaches & Cream Oatmeal = 175 cals
Cottage Cheese, Tukey Chunks, String Cheese, Broccoli & Cauliflower with Veggie Dip, red grapes = 439 cals
5 Ritz Crackers & Toasted Coconut Vanilla Yogurt (sooo yummy!) = 150 cals
2 cups of Doc's Chili and 2 Small Boneless Pork Chops = 554 cals
That put me at 1318 calories for the day. Not too shabby. :) Good night y'all! Have a great day tomorrow!
I started this journey almost 5 years ago. I was in a weight-loss competition and experienced significant (72 pounds) weight loss for the first time in my life. Once the competition was over, I spiraled out of control until I eventually gained every pound back PLUS MORE. As of June 19th, 2016, I'm back in control and I'm headed toward success! Please join me!
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
August 31st, 2016: Call Me Lazy!
food addict,
healthy eating,
obese to beast,
weight loss
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
August 30th, 2016: Last Gym Day for a Whole Week!!
Yup, today was it. One last workout until NEXT Tuesday. How will I ever survive?? I just HAVE to hit that 50 pounds lost mark this week! It's important to me!
Today was a good day at work. A little hectic, but doable. It went by pretty quickly and then I was off to the gym. My cousin Becky that lives in the same town as I do needed to hitch a ride to work today (she also works in Sikeston), so I went and picked her up this morning and then picked her up after work and kidnapped her. Lol. I brought her to the gym for torture and that's exactly what we did. We met up with my other two cousins, Jessica and Star, and we all worked out together. It was pretty darn great! I love that so much of my family is getting in to going to the gym! Becky is even going to try to get a membership too!
We started on arms today and thoroughly maxed out all of our arms. We were feeling pretty great, haha. Then, because we are addicted, we had to get on that Linear Press again. I said last time that I did 518...well today...I did 608!! Ha...I think my legs are pretty darn strong! After that, we headed upstairs for some intervals on the Arc Trainer. Jess and I made it 20 minutes which was pretty hard considering how tired we were. Next we did 20 minutes of walking. After that, I was DONE. It was already after 7 and I knew that I needed to get home or I would be having a crazy late night.
Here is the breakdown of my weight training for today:
Biceps Curl - 3 sets of 10 on 70 pounds
Triceps Curl - 3 sets of 10 on 80 pounds
Back Extension - 3 sets 10 on 150 pounds
The Core Machine - 2 sets of 10 on 10 pounds again, yay!
Chest Press - 3 sets of 10 on 60 pounds
Pectoral Fly - 3 sets of 10 on 80 pounds
Pulldown - 3 sets of 10 on 80 pounds
Torso Rotation - 1 set of 10 on 130 pounds on both sides
Linear Leg Press - 2 sets of 10 on 608 pounds <3
I came home and threw together a pretty yummy meal using some steaks that I had cooked up Sunday morning and some sides. It was quick and easy and I love that! And that's about it.
I am pretty sure I am going to be pretty darn sore tomorrow, but pain is gain baby!! Or maybe in this case...pain is loss...haha!
Here is the breakdown of my food choices today:
PB Smoothie = 210 cals
Turkey Chunks, Cottage Cheese, String Cheese, Brocolli & Cauliflower with Veggie Dip = 335 cals
Light & Fit Yogurt and some Rice Crackers = 250 cals
Petite Sirloin Steak, Quinoa & Brown Rice with Salsa, and a side salad = 446 cals
That put me at 1241 calories total for the day. I am feeling really good about my day! My only wish is that I would have hit the 10k steps today. Sadly I'm around 1800 short and too tired to care at this point. Lol. So to bed this girl is going!
Today was a good day at work. A little hectic, but doable. It went by pretty quickly and then I was off to the gym. My cousin Becky that lives in the same town as I do needed to hitch a ride to work today (she also works in Sikeston), so I went and picked her up this morning and then picked her up after work and kidnapped her. Lol. I brought her to the gym for torture and that's exactly what we did. We met up with my other two cousins, Jessica and Star, and we all worked out together. It was pretty darn great! I love that so much of my family is getting in to going to the gym! Becky is even going to try to get a membership too!
We started on arms today and thoroughly maxed out all of our arms. We were feeling pretty great, haha. Then, because we are addicted, we had to get on that Linear Press again. I said last time that I did 518...well today...I did 608!! Ha...I think my legs are pretty darn strong! After that, we headed upstairs for some intervals on the Arc Trainer. Jess and I made it 20 minutes which was pretty hard considering how tired we were. Next we did 20 minutes of walking. After that, I was DONE. It was already after 7 and I knew that I needed to get home or I would be having a crazy late night.
Here is the breakdown of my weight training for today:
Biceps Curl - 3 sets of 10 on 70 pounds
Triceps Curl - 3 sets of 10 on 80 pounds
Back Extension - 3 sets 10 on 150 pounds
The Core Machine - 2 sets of 10 on 10 pounds again, yay!
Chest Press - 3 sets of 10 on 60 pounds
Pectoral Fly - 3 sets of 10 on 80 pounds
Pulldown - 3 sets of 10 on 80 pounds
Torso Rotation - 1 set of 10 on 130 pounds on both sides
Linear Leg Press - 2 sets of 10 on 608 pounds <3
I came home and threw together a pretty yummy meal using some steaks that I had cooked up Sunday morning and some sides. It was quick and easy and I love that! And that's about it.
I am pretty sure I am going to be pretty darn sore tomorrow, but pain is gain baby!! Or maybe in this case...pain is loss...haha!
Here is the breakdown of my food choices today:
PB Smoothie = 210 cals
Turkey Chunks, Cottage Cheese, String Cheese, Brocolli & Cauliflower with Veggie Dip = 335 cals
Light & Fit Yogurt and some Rice Crackers = 250 cals
Petite Sirloin Steak, Quinoa & Brown Rice with Salsa, and a side salad = 446 cals
That put me at 1241 calories total for the day. I am feeling really good about my day! My only wish is that I would have hit the 10k steps today. Sadly I'm around 1800 short and too tired to care at this point. Lol. So to bed this girl is going!
food addict,
healthy eating,
weight loss
Monday, August 29, 2016
August 29th, 2016: 20,000 Views!
First off, I want to start by acknowledging YOU, my amazing readers!! My blog hit 20,000 views with my post last night! You guys really have no idea how much your support and love really motivates me and helps me on my journey. I really feel like I have the most amazing support system and I meet new and amazing people all the time! You ROCK!!
Today was a typical Monday for me, other than I got TWO compliments on how I looked today by like 8:05, haha, that's a great way to start your day! My boss asked me if I changed something, and I was like, ummmm...well I opened a new Mascara today! Haha!! Then I shared with her about the new Instant Uplift Serum I tried and the new Mask. I still can't get over that darn mask. My face still feels amazing! Lol.
So my little 3 year old nephew started Pre-K today! That's a big event for us! Lol. He is getting so big, so fast! Just a few short months ago he was extremely speech delayed, and then something lit up and him and he started trying to say everything! He's still a little behind, but I can't wait to see what the folks at the Pre-K center do for him! He is SUCH a smart boy, he just has a hard time getting what he's trying to tell you OUT. I love him and his brother to pieces!
I mean seriously! How stinking cute is he!? Lol, and if you'll look in the left corner there, you'll see my little man (Milo) in the window, super jealous of this photo session. Haha!!
After work I headed to the Chiropractor then on to the gym. I only have today and tomorrow to workout at the gym because they are doing their Fall Cleaning and are closed from Wednesday through next Monday! What ever will I do with myself!!!????!!! LOL! I definitely have to take Wednesday off, because I haven't had one off since last Monday, but I also have some pictures to edit, so I need that time. I plan on doing some at home workouts and hopefully some walking to stay active during my gym forced hiatus! Lol
So once I arrived at the gym, my sister was already there and had done her leg exercises, so I went right in and got busy on mine. I smashed that out. I did the Linear Leg Press last and when I got over there, there was only 1-100 pound weight on each side. So to get to the weight I did previously, I had 2-45 pound weights on top of that. Today, I wanted to see if I could do a little more. So I did what any sane person would do and I put another 100 pound weight on each side. By myself. Um...100 pounds is HEAVY when you have to lift it to chest level! I thought I was gonna break a bicep or something, but I did it! So I get on there and I lifted 518 pounds. Yup...that's cool stuff. And I did 2 sets of 10 on that too! Then I headed upstairs to walk with her. I give her props...she tried REALLY hard to get me to jog with her. Lol...but....nope....I can't do it. I am NOT a runner. I don't think. I mean I always hated that crap when I was younger, so I just can't see myself being a runner! Haha.
I did a mile..she did a little more because she jogged a little over 3 of her laps. Then we went downstairs because she really wanted to do the leg press too, she just isn't as comfortable doing her own thing as I am. While she did that, I tried this seated calf raising machine that I've never done before. It only had 40 pounds on it, so I thought, what the heck? Um...that weighed more than 40 pounds. Lol! I don't know how much because the label was gone, but it was so heavy! I did 3 sets of 10 on there because it REALLY helped stretch out my feet and I need that so much for the Plantar Faciitis that I have.
After all of that mess it was time to head home.
Here is the breakdown of my leg exercises for today:
Seated Leg Curl - 3 sets of 10 on 90 pounds
Hip Abduction - 3 sets of 10 on 220 pounds
Hip Adduction - 3 sets of 10 on 200 pounds
Seated Leg Press (full legs) - 3 sets of 10 on 200 pounds
Seated Leg Press (toe raises) - 3 sets of 10 on 100 pounds
Leg Extension - 3 sets of 10 on 80 pounds
Linear Leg Press - 2 sets of 10 on 518 pounds
Calf Raises - 3 sets of 10 with 40 pounds
I hurt. I hurt in the best way possible. Muscles are growing, skin is ever so slowly tightening. And I really feel like I've GOT this!
I came home, cooked a really yummy dinner and watched a tiny bit of TV and now...I'm ready for bed! Thank God I already prepped my lunches for this week because I do NOT feel like messing with any of that. But it really was a super great Monday! I hope yours was too. :)
Here's the breakdown of my food choices for today:
An orange and two packs of Peaches & Cream Oatmeal = 305 cals
Turkey chunks, Cottage Cheese, 1 string cheese, broccoli & cauliflower dipped in yummy veggie dip and some big ole plump red grapes = 439 cals
Snack on the way home from the gym
Two servings of Multiseed Crackers = 260 cals
Balsamic Glazed Chicken & Mushrooms, Green Beans, and corn on the cob = 386 cals
So that put me at 1390 calories for the day. Good stuff. Thanks for tuning in friends! We'll talk tomorrow....after I torture myself a little more.
Today was a typical Monday for me, other than I got TWO compliments on how I looked today by like 8:05, haha, that's a great way to start your day! My boss asked me if I changed something, and I was like, ummmm...well I opened a new Mascara today! Haha!! Then I shared with her about the new Instant Uplift Serum I tried and the new Mask. I still can't get over that darn mask. My face still feels amazing! Lol.
So my little 3 year old nephew started Pre-K today! That's a big event for us! Lol. He is getting so big, so fast! Just a few short months ago he was extremely speech delayed, and then something lit up and him and he started trying to say everything! He's still a little behind, but I can't wait to see what the folks at the Pre-K center do for him! He is SUCH a smart boy, he just has a hard time getting what he's trying to tell you OUT. I love him and his brother to pieces!
I mean seriously! How stinking cute is he!? Lol, and if you'll look in the left corner there, you'll see my little man (Milo) in the window, super jealous of this photo session. Haha!!
After work I headed to the Chiropractor then on to the gym. I only have today and tomorrow to workout at the gym because they are doing their Fall Cleaning and are closed from Wednesday through next Monday! What ever will I do with myself!!!????!!! LOL! I definitely have to take Wednesday off, because I haven't had one off since last Monday, but I also have some pictures to edit, so I need that time. I plan on doing some at home workouts and hopefully some walking to stay active during my gym forced hiatus! Lol
So once I arrived at the gym, my sister was already there and had done her leg exercises, so I went right in and got busy on mine. I smashed that out. I did the Linear Leg Press last and when I got over there, there was only 1-100 pound weight on each side. So to get to the weight I did previously, I had 2-45 pound weights on top of that. Today, I wanted to see if I could do a little more. So I did what any sane person would do and I put another 100 pound weight on each side. By myself. Um...100 pounds is HEAVY when you have to lift it to chest level! I thought I was gonna break a bicep or something, but I did it! So I get on there and I lifted 518 pounds. Yup...that's cool stuff. And I did 2 sets of 10 on that too! Then I headed upstairs to walk with her. I give her props...she tried REALLY hard to get me to jog with her. Lol...but....nope....I can't do it. I am NOT a runner. I don't think. I mean I always hated that crap when I was younger, so I just can't see myself being a runner! Haha.
I did a mile..she did a little more because she jogged a little over 3 of her laps. Then we went downstairs because she really wanted to do the leg press too, she just isn't as comfortable doing her own thing as I am. While she did that, I tried this seated calf raising machine that I've never done before. It only had 40 pounds on it, so I thought, what the heck? Um...that weighed more than 40 pounds. Lol! I don't know how much because the label was gone, but it was so heavy! I did 3 sets of 10 on there because it REALLY helped stretch out my feet and I need that so much for the Plantar Faciitis that I have.
After all of that mess it was time to head home.
Here is the breakdown of my leg exercises for today:
Seated Leg Curl - 3 sets of 10 on 90 pounds
Hip Abduction - 3 sets of 10 on 220 pounds
Hip Adduction - 3 sets of 10 on 200 pounds
Seated Leg Press (full legs) - 3 sets of 10 on 200 pounds
Seated Leg Press (toe raises) - 3 sets of 10 on 100 pounds
Leg Extension - 3 sets of 10 on 80 pounds
Linear Leg Press - 2 sets of 10 on 518 pounds
Calf Raises - 3 sets of 10 with 40 pounds
I hurt. I hurt in the best way possible. Muscles are growing, skin is ever so slowly tightening. And I really feel like I've GOT this!
I came home, cooked a really yummy dinner and watched a tiny bit of TV and now...I'm ready for bed! Thank God I already prepped my lunches for this week because I do NOT feel like messing with any of that. But it really was a super great Monday! I hope yours was too. :)
Here's the breakdown of my food choices for today:
An orange and two packs of Peaches & Cream Oatmeal = 305 cals
Turkey chunks, Cottage Cheese, 1 string cheese, broccoli & cauliflower dipped in yummy veggie dip and some big ole plump red grapes = 439 cals
Snack on the way home from the gym
Two servings of Multiseed Crackers = 260 cals
Balsamic Glazed Chicken & Mushrooms, Green Beans, and corn on the cob = 386 cals
So that put me at 1390 calories for the day. Good stuff. Thanks for tuning in friends! We'll talk tomorrow....after I torture myself a little more.
food addict,
healthy eating,
obese to beast,
weight loss
Sunday, August 28, 2016
August 28th, 2016: Weigh-in Week 11
Well here we are. Eleven weeks in and time for yet another weigh-in. After a night of Mexican food last night, I was more worried than I've ever been. Last week was 326, this week....323...whoop whoop. Another 3 pounds!! And now I'm only 2 pounds away from the 50 mark. I'm pretty excited to hit that milestone because 50 pounds would be a quarter of the way to my long term goal of losing 200 pounds. So I'm pretty excited about the prospect of reaching that first little milestone next week. *Fingers crossed*
So after my successful weigh-in, I decided to cook me a super late breakfast full of yumminess. Lol.
I spent my late morning doing laundry and cleaning house and jamming out to music. It was pretty great. Then I got dressed and headed to the Y to get my butt kicked. I was planning on going to Ypump and then Zumba, but when I got there, no one was there! What the crap!?! So I decided to go torture myself on the arm weights! Fun stuff! And that's exactly what I did. I upped my weights again and it was soooo fun..haha, not!
Here is the breakdown of everything I did:
Biceps Curl - 3 sets of 10 on 70 pounds
Triceps Curl - 3 sets of 10 on 80 pounds
Back Extension - 3 sets 10 on 140 pounds
The Core Machine - 2 sets of 10 on 10 pounds (this is the devil machine!! I've NEVER done that many on it before)
Chest Press - 3 sets of 10 on 60 pounds
Pectoral Fly - 3 sets of 10 on 80 pounds
Pulldown - 3 sets of 10 on 80 pounds
And I am FEELING it! Lol, like seriously, my whole body hurts tonight! I went to Zumba afterward and my legs were burning and for some strange reason, we did a million squats for extra torture. Haha
So after my daily torture, I headed to pick my cousin Rebecca up and give her a ride back to the town we live in. I did my weekly grocery shopping while I had her kidnapped, haha. Then I dropped her off and headed home. Luckily, I already had dinner cooked so all I had to do was warm it up and then I went to work on my food prep for lunches this week. Jamie had a friend come over with his girlfriend whom I've never met and we had a lot of fun talking about healthy food and just life in general. Now it's late and I've got to get to bed!
Here is the breakdown of my food choices for today:
3 slices of Turkey Bacon, 2 boiled eggs, a cup of grapes and some Strawberry Cheesecake Yogurt (yum!) = 445 cals
Rosemary and Garlic Flaxseed Crackers and a Vanilla Light Monster Java = 230 cals
Doc's Chili, and a salad = 418 cals
Protein Shake for more calories = 100 cals
That puts me at 1193 calories today. Which is success in my book. Woohoo! And now I'm totally ready for bed! Have a great Monday y'all.
So after my successful weigh-in, I decided to cook me a super late breakfast full of yumminess. Lol.
I spent my late morning doing laundry and cleaning house and jamming out to music. It was pretty great. Then I got dressed and headed to the Y to get my butt kicked. I was planning on going to Ypump and then Zumba, but when I got there, no one was there! What the crap!?! So I decided to go torture myself on the arm weights! Fun stuff! And that's exactly what I did. I upped my weights again and it was soooo fun..haha, not!
Here is the breakdown of everything I did:
Biceps Curl - 3 sets of 10 on 70 pounds
Triceps Curl - 3 sets of 10 on 80 pounds
Back Extension - 3 sets 10 on 140 pounds
The Core Machine - 2 sets of 10 on 10 pounds (this is the devil machine!! I've NEVER done that many on it before)
Chest Press - 3 sets of 10 on 60 pounds
Pectoral Fly - 3 sets of 10 on 80 pounds
Pulldown - 3 sets of 10 on 80 pounds
And I am FEELING it! Lol, like seriously, my whole body hurts tonight! I went to Zumba afterward and my legs were burning and for some strange reason, we did a million squats for extra torture. Haha
So after my daily torture, I headed to pick my cousin Rebecca up and give her a ride back to the town we live in. I did my weekly grocery shopping while I had her kidnapped, haha. Then I dropped her off and headed home. Luckily, I already had dinner cooked so all I had to do was warm it up and then I went to work on my food prep for lunches this week. Jamie had a friend come over with his girlfriend whom I've never met and we had a lot of fun talking about healthy food and just life in general. Now it's late and I've got to get to bed!
Here is the breakdown of my food choices for today:
3 slices of Turkey Bacon, 2 boiled eggs, a cup of grapes and some Strawberry Cheesecake Yogurt (yum!) = 445 cals
Rosemary and Garlic Flaxseed Crackers and a Vanilla Light Monster Java = 230 cals
Doc's Chili, and a salad = 418 cals
Protein Shake for more calories = 100 cals
That puts me at 1193 calories today. Which is success in my book. Woohoo! And now I'm totally ready for bed! Have a great Monday y'all.
food addict,
healthy eating,
obese to beast,
weight loss
Saturday, August 27, 2016
August 27th, 2016: Pics with a Bestie
I had a CRAZY night's sleep and I had pretty much got up when Jamie left for work which was around 6:30. I think I actually got out of bed at 7, but still earlier than I had to, I just couldn't sleep. I bet I only got 2 or 3 hours of good sleep last night. So, I started out ok. I got some housework done and then headed to the Y WITH MY SISTER (FINALLY), lol, and we got our workout on. She has been fighting a sinus/cold mess for a few weeks and she still wasn't top notch ready to go. She came in to Zumba and was coughing her head off. The ladies kept thinking she was overworking herself and she got a little annoyed because she knew it was from being sick.
Afterward, Elizabeth just really wanted to try the Leg Press thing that we did last night. So we went in there and put her to work. Lol. She did the same as me, and I was telling her that even the 408 wasn't THAT bad, so we decided to throw another 45 pounds on both sides and see if we could do it. For the record...that's 498 pounds. And we did it! Both of us pulled off 2 sets of 10 at 498 pounds. I really think I could pull off a little more, but I'm scared of injuring myself!
So, when we were done playing Muscle women, we headed upstairs. She decided to walk since she was still very congested, and I hopped on the Arc Trainer for some more Intervals. I thought that the only reason why I maxed out on speed last night was because of the caffeine rush, but NOPE, I did it again today! Woot woot! I maxed out on speed every single time I did the high intervals. I was pretty proud. I did 20 minutes on there and then walked for 10 to hit my 10k steps. A new record for me was 10k steps before 11am.
Afterward, Elizabeth just really wanted to try the Leg Press thing that we did last night. So we went in there and put her to work. Lol. She did the same as me, and I was telling her that even the 408 wasn't THAT bad, so we decided to throw another 45 pounds on both sides and see if we could do it. For the record...that's 498 pounds. And we did it! Both of us pulled off 2 sets of 10 at 498 pounds. I really think I could pull off a little more, but I'm scared of injuring myself!
So, when we were done playing Muscle women, we headed upstairs. She decided to walk since she was still very congested, and I hopped on the Arc Trainer for some more Intervals. I thought that the only reason why I maxed out on speed last night was because of the caffeine rush, but NOPE, I did it again today! Woot woot! I maxed out on speed every single time I did the high intervals. I was pretty proud. I did 20 minutes on there and then walked for 10 to hit my 10k steps. A new record for me was 10k steps before 11am.
I was so happy to achieve that! Afterward, I headed to the sauna. I was feeling a little congested myself, and the sauna helps to kindof clear all of that gunk out and just makes me feel all better.
We headed back to the house after that and I kind of hit lazy mode. I did a little laundry and watched a little TV, ate lunch, and then I had myself a little beauty hour, lol. I did a Deep Sea Mud Mask, and a Deep Conditioning Hair Mask, I exfoliated from head to toe, then I did a new Mask that Younique is adding to their Fall launch this year that was AMAZING! It's supposed to re-oxygenate your skin and holy cow it felt so cool! It got all foamy and bubbly and afterward my face was as smooth as a baby's bottom!
After I got done being a girl, I got ready for an in-home photo shoot with one of my besties and waited for a customer to come by and pick up her makeup order. Then it was time to hit the road. I drove about 50 minutes or so to my friend's house and set up for an indoor baby shoot. We had tons of fun doing all kinds of crazy stuff. Lol. She got a little Pinterest crazy last night and found all sorts of fun stuff for us to try. We were having a good ole time, but the baby protested. Haha!
When I left Oliva's house I felt like I was about to gnaw off my own arm. I was starving. Lol. And I was craving Taco's soooo bad! My sister tried VERY hard to talk me in to going to eat Mexican for lunch and I just couldn't do it. I try really hard to keep my calories low during the day because the night time munchies will do me it! But after thinking about it all afternoon. I had to have some!
So I had Jamie meet me in Poplar Bluff and we went and had some dinner. It was wonderful. I ate too much and left with a stomach ache. I wonder if I will ever learn to control that urge to overeat when there is something available that I absolutely love. I seriously need to figure it out. Because I ate way more than I had to, to feel satisfied.
So here I am, at home. Feeling guilty about what I ate. I'm afraid I'm going to pay for it on the scale tomorrow, but we shall see. Either way, I enjoyed dinner, and if the scale is not my friend tomorrow, it wasn't for lack of effort this week. I pushed more than I have in a long time. I kicked butt. If one night of Mexican Fiesta throws me off, so be it.
It was a great day overall. I had a good time, I got plenty of steps in and I burned a ton of calories.
Here is the breakdown of my food choices for today:
PB Smoothie = 210 cals
Ham & Cheese Roll-up, Pinto Bean Chips with Avocado Dip, and fresh sliced Tomatoes = 444 cals
Small Banana = 76 cals
3 Hard Shell Beef Tacos, half order of rice & beans, 12 tortilla chips with salsa = 726 cals
That put me at 1456 calories total for the day. Not horrible, but a couple hundred higher than usual and my protein was way to low and my carbs were WAY to high. So boo. But, I WERKED for it! Lol!! Goodnight y'all! Have a great Sunday and I'll see ya here tomorrow night to tell you how my weigh-in went.
Friday, August 26, 2016
August 25th & 26th, 2016: It's A Two For One Special!!
Well, I didn't get to write my blog yesterday. My internet was off when I got home, and by the time I figured out what was going on it was too late to write my blog. So here I am on Friday, writing two blogs in one.
Yesterday was a pretty normal day for me. At work that is. It was a smooth day with no surprises. After work, I headed to the Y for a quick workout. I just walked a little while, and then I headed to my mom and dad's house. I went to give her a pedicure, because she had to see the foot doctor today, and she was a little embarrassed. Who wouldn't be? We always want to look our best when someone is looking at us. My poor mamma has so many health problems right now, it's hard for her to take care of herself, let alone my dad, who has to have assistance as well. Needless to say, she works her butt off, and is in pain all of the time. It breaks my heart to go to her house, and see her walking with a cane because her knee is bothering her that bad. I can only imagine how much her normal life is a struggle for her right now. Luckily she went to the doctor for that today as well, so hopefully they can find something that will help her feel better.
After spending some time visiting with my daddy, I went into the living room to help Mama out. I think we had a good time bonding and laughing and just being together. Daddy did inform me that having my hair pulled back I didn't do any favors for my Attraction! LOL leave it to him to be brutally honest. But, he did tell me he could tell I was losing weight now. It's amazing what a different shirt and a week can do to one's perception.
I got home late, had a quck dinner and went to bed at a decent hour. It was wonderful! Lol
So, I woke up today nice and refreshed and ready to take my Friday head-on. And that's exactly what I did. It was a wonderful day. It wasn't void of stress, especially since we are having a little bit of issues getting everything to match up at work because we changed the way we were doing things. But it wasn't so bad.
After work, I headed to the gym. I sat in my car for a bit to work on some online parties I have going right now, and then follow-up with a few customers. They left me feeling wonderful when I headed in to the gym. OH and I also got to try the NEW Light Vanilla Monster Java coffee drink today! It only has 100 calories in the whole can and it was SOOOO tasty!! I think I even like it better than the Mean Beans!
Anyways, so I had a nice surge of caffeine and I was ready to put it to WORK! I started out walking as a warm-up with no clear goal in sight. I just knew that I wanted to get some cardio in and burn some calories! So I started at a leisurely pace and then a few laps in (it takes 13 to get a mile), I decided to walk as fast as I could at a pace I felt I could keep up. I hit a half of a mile in 11 minutes and then decided that I wanted a mile in 20 minutes. So I started booking it. LOL. I hit the mile mark just a few seconds after 20 minutes! Score!! I then hopped on the Arc trainer. Thanks to that caffeine, I decided that I had the energy to do some intervals on there and the most amazing thing happened! I do one and half minutes at a moderate pace, and then I do 30 seconds and the fastest pace I can manage. Back and forth for the time that I'm on there. Today...when I was doing the fast part, I MAXED out the speed on the machine! LOL That has NEVER ever happened before. How cool is that!? I was feeling like a dang Beast again! Haha
My cousins showed up while I was on the Arch Trainer and when they got done with their Eliptical work, they came up and walked with me. I did another 10 minutes, which put me at a whole hour of Cardio without Zumba. That feels pretty big to me. I burned over 1000 calories and I was feeling on top of the world...with jello legs of course... haha. So I came down to the weight section and stretched out really well, and then I did legs. The TORTURE! After all of that cardio!! LOL. I hit another milestone there too! I tried the Linear Leg Press where you pretty much lay down with your feet in the air and you push upward with the weights. I've been wanting to do it for a while, but was slightly afraid to because it puts a LOT of pressure on your knees. Well I did it. And you would NOT believe how much weight was on that puppy! I did 2 sets of 10 on 408 pounds!! Sheesh! AND that was AFTER all that cardio AND after I had already done a bunch of reps on all the other leg machines.
I promised to start sharing my weight training stuff with you, so here goes:
Seated Leg Curl - 3 sets of 10 on 90 pounds
Hip Abduction - 3 sets of 10 on 200 pounds
Hip Adduction - 3 sets of 10 on 220 pounds
Seated Leg Press (full legs) - 3 sets of 10 on 200 pounds
Seated Leg Press (toe raises) - 3 sets of 10 on 100 pounds
Leg Extension - 3 sets of 10 on 80 pounds
Linear Leg Press - 2 sets of 10 on 408 pounds
So, needless to say, I killed my workout tonight. :) Then I hung out in the sauna for 15 minutes jabbering my head off to my cousins and then we called it a night.
I came home and warmed up some Doc's Chili for dinner (thank God for easy dinners on leg day!!) and here I am. :)
Here is the breakdown of my Food Choices for the past two days:
PB Smoothie = 210 cals
Turkey, cottage cheese, baby carrots, celery, veggie dip, string cheese & yogurt = 432 cals
Fried Okra, Boneless Skinless Chkn Tenderloins, broccoli, corn on the cob = 564 cals
1206 cals for the day. Good work. :)
Yesterday was a pretty normal day for me. At work that is. It was a smooth day with no surprises. After work, I headed to the Y for a quick workout. I just walked a little while, and then I headed to my mom and dad's house. I went to give her a pedicure, because she had to see the foot doctor today, and she was a little embarrassed. Who wouldn't be? We always want to look our best when someone is looking at us. My poor mamma has so many health problems right now, it's hard for her to take care of herself, let alone my dad, who has to have assistance as well. Needless to say, she works her butt off, and is in pain all of the time. It breaks my heart to go to her house, and see her walking with a cane because her knee is bothering her that bad. I can only imagine how much her normal life is a struggle for her right now. Luckily she went to the doctor for that today as well, so hopefully they can find something that will help her feel better.
After spending some time visiting with my daddy, I went into the living room to help Mama out. I think we had a good time bonding and laughing and just being together. Daddy did inform me that having my hair pulled back I didn't do any favors for my Attraction! LOL leave it to him to be brutally honest. But, he did tell me he could tell I was losing weight now. It's amazing what a different shirt and a week can do to one's perception.
I got home late, had a quck dinner and went to bed at a decent hour. It was wonderful! Lol
So, I woke up today nice and refreshed and ready to take my Friday head-on. And that's exactly what I did. It was a wonderful day. It wasn't void of stress, especially since we are having a little bit of issues getting everything to match up at work because we changed the way we were doing things. But it wasn't so bad.
After work, I headed to the gym. I sat in my car for a bit to work on some online parties I have going right now, and then follow-up with a few customers. They left me feeling wonderful when I headed in to the gym. OH and I also got to try the NEW Light Vanilla Monster Java coffee drink today! It only has 100 calories in the whole can and it was SOOOO tasty!! I think I even like it better than the Mean Beans!
Anyways, so I had a nice surge of caffeine and I was ready to put it to WORK! I started out walking as a warm-up with no clear goal in sight. I just knew that I wanted to get some cardio in and burn some calories! So I started at a leisurely pace and then a few laps in (it takes 13 to get a mile), I decided to walk as fast as I could at a pace I felt I could keep up. I hit a half of a mile in 11 minutes and then decided that I wanted a mile in 20 minutes. So I started booking it. LOL. I hit the mile mark just a few seconds after 20 minutes! Score!! I then hopped on the Arc trainer. Thanks to that caffeine, I decided that I had the energy to do some intervals on there and the most amazing thing happened! I do one and half minutes at a moderate pace, and then I do 30 seconds and the fastest pace I can manage. Back and forth for the time that I'm on there. Today...when I was doing the fast part, I MAXED out the speed on the machine! LOL That has NEVER ever happened before. How cool is that!? I was feeling like a dang Beast again! Haha
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Workout Fun!! |
My cousins showed up while I was on the Arch Trainer and when they got done with their Eliptical work, they came up and walked with me. I did another 10 minutes, which put me at a whole hour of Cardio without Zumba. That feels pretty big to me. I burned over 1000 calories and I was feeling on top of the world...with jello legs of course... haha. So I came down to the weight section and stretched out really well, and then I did legs. The TORTURE! After all of that cardio!! LOL. I hit another milestone there too! I tried the Linear Leg Press where you pretty much lay down with your feet in the air and you push upward with the weights. I've been wanting to do it for a while, but was slightly afraid to because it puts a LOT of pressure on your knees. Well I did it. And you would NOT believe how much weight was on that puppy! I did 2 sets of 10 on 408 pounds!! Sheesh! AND that was AFTER all that cardio AND after I had already done a bunch of reps on all the other leg machines.
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30 minutes of torture Complete! Haha |
I promised to start sharing my weight training stuff with you, so here goes:
Seated Leg Curl - 3 sets of 10 on 90 pounds
Hip Abduction - 3 sets of 10 on 200 pounds
Hip Adduction - 3 sets of 10 on 220 pounds
Seated Leg Press (full legs) - 3 sets of 10 on 200 pounds
Seated Leg Press (toe raises) - 3 sets of 10 on 100 pounds
Leg Extension - 3 sets of 10 on 80 pounds
Linear Leg Press - 2 sets of 10 on 408 pounds
So, needless to say, I killed my workout tonight. :) Then I hung out in the sauna for 15 minutes jabbering my head off to my cousins and then we called it a night.
I came home and warmed up some Doc's Chili for dinner (thank God for easy dinners on leg day!!) and here I am. :)
Here is the breakdown of my Food Choices for the past two days:
PB Smoothie = 210 cals
Turkey, cottage cheese, baby carrots, celery, veggie dip, string cheese & yogurt = 432 cals
Fried Okra, Boneless Skinless Chkn Tenderloins, broccoli, corn on the cob = 564 cals
1206 cals for the day. Good work. :)
PB Smoothie & a small banana = 286 cals
Turkey, cottage cheese, baby carrots, celery, veggie dip, string cheese & yogurt = 432 cals
Light Vanilla Monster & Rice Crackers = 220 cals
2 servings of Doc's Chili = 324 cals
Which rounds out today with 1262 calories. Whoop, Whoop! One more day to pull of my 3 pound loss for this week! I feel like I've totally got this in the bag, but we shall see! Thank you for tuning in to my crazy life! You know I love you guys!! :)
food addict,
healthy eating,
obese to beast,
weight loss
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
August 24th, 2016: Work, Chiro, Gym, Home, Repeat! Lol
Well that's another successful day in the books. Work was a little crazier because one of my co-workers was out today, so that just adds a little bit of crazy to the mix. But we survived it, and it went pretty smoothly.
I was sitting at my desk eating my carrots and celery that I had for lunch and I couldn't but think I was eating like a rabbit! Lol! I need to come up with a little more variety for my lunches, but there's something great about that consistency too. I just get bored easily. I made small little changes here and there, but I really like how much protein and how little carbs are in my lunches right now. It makes me not feel as guilty when I get to have a higher carb dinner. Which makes me happy.
After work I went to the Chiropractor and he did an exam to check the progress. He did say that he could see some improvement and cut my visits down to two times a week. Thank Goodness! This girl is going to go broke if I keep having to go so often. My back is feeling a little better, but not as much as I was hoping.
I headed to the gym way later than I wanted, and got in a super quick 45 minute water workout with my cousins. I had a good time and definitely got my heart rate up, I just with I would have been able to stay longer. I just really am trying hard to leave the gym by 7 as many days as I can during the week so that I can get everything done and not get to bed quite so late on days that I have to work the next day.
I'm actually not going to the gym tomorrow because my momma needs me after work, so I'm going to put in double duty on Friday and Saturday to try to make up for it. I may try to get some kind of workout in at home tomorrow night depending on how late I'm out. We shall see.
I came home and made my favorite pasta dish with some chicken and actually sat down to eat before 9:00. Lol. I really wish I could move my house and my sister to Sikeston so that I didn't have that extra hour every day wasted on the road. It really hurts my feelings to be running around like a crazy person every day, but sacrifices must me made for this new life that I want for myself. I can do this. I know I can. I've been doing it for almost 3 months now. It's hard, but being unhealthy and too fat to have any kind of fun is harder. So, this will all be worth it! I already see so many small improvements that really make me happy. I'm not out of breath doing simple tasks anymore. I can put on my darn tennis shoes so much easier! My hips are starting to get smaller so that I can sit more comfortably in different places. I tell ya, it's the small stuff that keeps me going. Oh, and the best part, my clothes are finally starting to look a little loose! Yay! Lol... I have a tiny bit of stress about buying clothes just to have to get more because they get to big and I like to dress cute! I'm so used to having a pretty big closet of options, so the downsizing is going to be a little hard on me. The fun part will be being able to wear clothes that have been in my closet forever that I can' wear because they are too small. I think I even have some in storage as well. So I should be good for a while. But, the time will come, when I will have to start getting some smaller clothes. How exciting and terrifying! Lol
Alright, I'm gonna shut this down and head my butt to bed!
Here is the breakdown of my food choices for today:
PB Smoothie = 210 cals
Turkey, Cottage Cheese, Baby Carrots & Celery with Veggie Dip, 1 String Cheese and a Yogurt = 432 cals
Small Banana = 76 cals
Boneless Skinless Chicken Tenderloin with Pesto Penne & Feta Cheese..mmmm... = 550 cals
And that puts me at 1268 calories for today. I have had quite a few people ask me how I usually cook my meat for dinner. So for anyone else who wonders... I cook it in an Iron Skillet in Extra Virgin Olive Oil. For chicken or pork I generally sprinkle it with Webers Garlic & Herb Seasoning or Strawberries BBQ Seasoning. Steak I usually season with salt & pepper or with Strawberries Steak Seasoning. Of course there are variations to this, but those are definitely the most common ways that I cook it. :) I also feel like I should note that I use Kosher Salt to cook and season with (as little as possible because of my ever swelling ankles) because it has less sodium than other salt options.
Thanks for tuning in! I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!
I was sitting at my desk eating my carrots and celery that I had for lunch and I couldn't but think I was eating like a rabbit! Lol! I need to come up with a little more variety for my lunches, but there's something great about that consistency too. I just get bored easily. I made small little changes here and there, but I really like how much protein and how little carbs are in my lunches right now. It makes me not feel as guilty when I get to have a higher carb dinner. Which makes me happy.
After work I went to the Chiropractor and he did an exam to check the progress. He did say that he could see some improvement and cut my visits down to two times a week. Thank Goodness! This girl is going to go broke if I keep having to go so often. My back is feeling a little better, but not as much as I was hoping.
I headed to the gym way later than I wanted, and got in a super quick 45 minute water workout with my cousins. I had a good time and definitely got my heart rate up, I just with I would have been able to stay longer. I just really am trying hard to leave the gym by 7 as many days as I can during the week so that I can get everything done and not get to bed quite so late on days that I have to work the next day.
I'm actually not going to the gym tomorrow because my momma needs me after work, so I'm going to put in double duty on Friday and Saturday to try to make up for it. I may try to get some kind of workout in at home tomorrow night depending on how late I'm out. We shall see.
I came home and made my favorite pasta dish with some chicken and actually sat down to eat before 9:00. Lol. I really wish I could move my house and my sister to Sikeston so that I didn't have that extra hour every day wasted on the road. It really hurts my feelings to be running around like a crazy person every day, but sacrifices must me made for this new life that I want for myself. I can do this. I know I can. I've been doing it for almost 3 months now. It's hard, but being unhealthy and too fat to have any kind of fun is harder. So, this will all be worth it! I already see so many small improvements that really make me happy. I'm not out of breath doing simple tasks anymore. I can put on my darn tennis shoes so much easier! My hips are starting to get smaller so that I can sit more comfortably in different places. I tell ya, it's the small stuff that keeps me going. Oh, and the best part, my clothes are finally starting to look a little loose! Yay! Lol... I have a tiny bit of stress about buying clothes just to have to get more because they get to big and I like to dress cute! I'm so used to having a pretty big closet of options, so the downsizing is going to be a little hard on me. The fun part will be being able to wear clothes that have been in my closet forever that I can' wear because they are too small. I think I even have some in storage as well. So I should be good for a while. But, the time will come, when I will have to start getting some smaller clothes. How exciting and terrifying! Lol
Alright, I'm gonna shut this down and head my butt to bed!
Here is the breakdown of my food choices for today:
PB Smoothie = 210 cals
Turkey, Cottage Cheese, Baby Carrots & Celery with Veggie Dip, 1 String Cheese and a Yogurt = 432 cals
Small Banana = 76 cals
Boneless Skinless Chicken Tenderloin with Pesto Penne & Feta Cheese..mmmm... = 550 cals
And that puts me at 1268 calories for today. I have had quite a few people ask me how I usually cook my meat for dinner. So for anyone else who wonders... I cook it in an Iron Skillet in Extra Virgin Olive Oil. For chicken or pork I generally sprinkle it with Webers Garlic & Herb Seasoning or Strawberries BBQ Seasoning. Steak I usually season with salt & pepper or with Strawberries Steak Seasoning. Of course there are variations to this, but those are definitely the most common ways that I cook it. :) I also feel like I should note that I use Kosher Salt to cook and season with (as little as possible because of my ever swelling ankles) because it has less sodium than other salt options.
Thanks for tuning in! I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!
food addict,
healthy eating,
obese to beast,
weight loss
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
August 23rd, 2016: No Workout Buddy
So I've been realizing more often than not, I am working out by myself these days. It makes me a little sad, and it definitely makes it harder for me to get into my workout. But I've been noticing that I'm kind of finding my own way about things too. I feel like I'm getting a little stronger on my own. I didn't used to be. I used to be freaked out when I was by myself. Like I didn't have the same drive and motivation. But, I'm getting there.
Today was another good and smooth day at work. Everything went great and that's just awesome. I feel like, the way my work day goes, sets the mood for my attitude toward the gym. Lol. So I went straight to the Y after work and walked some laps before Zumba. Then it was on to get my dance on! Lol. I have made me some buddies in Zumba, and we had a good time picking on each other and acting silly throughout the class. It really makes it so much more fun for me when I know people in there and can laugh and joke and have a good time.
After Zumba I headed straight home to get busy on dinner because I was planning to Bbq some chicken legs and I knew it was going to take me a little while. So I came home and got straight to work. It took me almost a whole hour to cook a very simple dinner. I'm not sure what in the world happened because I was totally in gear and ready to get it done, but it still took forever. Boo on that because I wanted to go to bed early tonight!
Dinner did turn out great though, so I guess it's a win win. Lol. I soaked the Chicken Legs in water & salt & pepper all night and they were so flavorful and delicious! So I guess it's ok that it took forever. Lol.
Alright, I'm going to hop off of here and get ready for bed!
Here is the breakdown of my food choices today:
2 Packets of Strawberries & Cream Oatmeal and A Oats & Honey Granola Bar = 450 cals
Turkey, Cottage Cheese, a String Cheese, Carrots & Celery with Veggie Dip = 432 cals
3 Chicken Legs, corn on the cob, and steamed broccoli = 397 cals
Which puts me at 1279 calories for today. Sounds like a winner to me! Good night friends! Sorry today was pretty boring...but...my life wasn't very interesting today, lol!
Today was another good and smooth day at work. Everything went great and that's just awesome. I feel like, the way my work day goes, sets the mood for my attitude toward the gym. Lol. So I went straight to the Y after work and walked some laps before Zumba. Then it was on to get my dance on! Lol. I have made me some buddies in Zumba, and we had a good time picking on each other and acting silly throughout the class. It really makes it so much more fun for me when I know people in there and can laugh and joke and have a good time.
After Zumba I headed straight home to get busy on dinner because I was planning to Bbq some chicken legs and I knew it was going to take me a little while. So I came home and got straight to work. It took me almost a whole hour to cook a very simple dinner. I'm not sure what in the world happened because I was totally in gear and ready to get it done, but it still took forever. Boo on that because I wanted to go to bed early tonight!
Dinner did turn out great though, so I guess it's a win win. Lol. I soaked the Chicken Legs in water & salt & pepper all night and they were so flavorful and delicious! So I guess it's ok that it took forever. Lol.
Alright, I'm going to hop off of here and get ready for bed!
Here is the breakdown of my food choices today:
2 Packets of Strawberries & Cream Oatmeal and A Oats & Honey Granola Bar = 450 cals
Turkey, Cottage Cheese, a String Cheese, Carrots & Celery with Veggie Dip = 432 cals
3 Chicken Legs, corn on the cob, and steamed broccoli = 397 cals
Which puts me at 1279 calories for today. Sounds like a winner to me! Good night friends! Sorry today was pretty boring...but...my life wasn't very interesting today, lol!
food addict,
healthy eating,
obese to beast,
weight loss
Monday, August 22, 2016
August 22nd, 2016: Sleep Deprivation
Oh man...I could pass smooth out right this second! I'm so dang tired! And today was my day off from the gym, so that's no good, lol.
Work was pretty easy going and passed pretty quickly. It was actually pretty great for a Monday. After work, I ran to the Chiro and met one of my awesome makeup customers and had a great, but super quick, visit. Then I went on with my Chiro visit. I want to say that my back is feeling better, and some days it is, but some days it's like I do certain stuff that triggers it and it's like I haven't done a single thing to make it better.
I had to go to Walmart afterwards because I didn't get to finish my weekend shopping. Which kindof worked out perfectly since Jamie was off and could go with me.We spent way longer in there than I meant to so I got home at 8:00! We threw the groceries in the fridge and got dinner going.
I just think my lunches are so cute! Haha
Anyways, here is the breakdown of my food for today:
PB Smoothie and red grapes = 314 cals
Work was pretty easy going and passed pretty quickly. It was actually pretty great for a Monday. After work, I ran to the Chiro and met one of my awesome makeup customers and had a great, but super quick, visit. Then I went on with my Chiro visit. I want to say that my back is feeling better, and some days it is, but some days it's like I do certain stuff that triggers it and it's like I haven't done a single thing to make it better.
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Workin hard! Lol |
I had to go to Walmart afterwards because I didn't get to finish my weekend shopping. Which kindof worked out perfectly since Jamie was off and could go with me.We spent way longer in there than I meant to so I got home at 8:00! We threw the groceries in the fridge and got dinner going.
I have to be honest....because that is 100% what this blog is
about. My transparency through my journey to finding me! Right? Well....when we
were in Walmart....Jamie let me pick up these sugar cookies. He shouldn't have
let me, but I'm pretty sure he's scared of me when he tries to tell me not to
eat bad stuff. Lol...I turn in to this psycho hangry person. I don't like being
like that. But I absolutely get crazy when he tries to help me. I know, I know,
it's horrible. And I ate 6 of those little mini sugar cookies. SIX...that's
like almost 400 calories. Luckily, I still didn't go over my calorie
maximum..so....I suppose it won't be the end of the world. But shoo! I don't
like it!
So yea...that happened. After dinner I got busy with meal prepping for my lunches for the rest of the week and now I'm here. This blog has been insanely difficult though. I got kicked off of the internet and had a hot mess...and then my sister came over and we put together our super adorable weightloss jars (I'll share a pic tomorrow if you don't see them where my sister tagged me in them).
Turkey, String Cheese, baby carrots, celery, veggie dip, yellow cherry tomatoes = 423 cals
Sugar Cookie Catastrophe = 390 cals
Boneless Skinless Pork Chops, and a salad = 382
Total Calories for today was 1509 not as great as I would like...since...400 of those were pure sugar...but...it could have been WAY worse! So I'm not beating myself up about it. :)
Sunday, August 21, 2016
August 21st, 2016: Week 10 Weigh In!!!
Whew, today has been a crazy day!! But it has been great! I started my day with sleeping in nice and late, it was wonderful! Then I hopped on the scale to see what my results were...last week, was 329, this week...326! So I lost another 3 pounds! Yay!! I was seriously pretty nervous about it because of my six pound loss last week, but I did it!!
I'm soooo proud of myself!! 45 pounds gone! And now I'm only 25 pounds away from my first big goal!! (To be under 300 by Thanksgiving) I really feel like I can do it! I had a super lazy morning, did a little laundry, and watched some TV. Then I got dressed and headed to the Y. Jamie got to come with me for the second day in a row, so that was exciting! I tried really hard to talk him into going to Zumba with me, but he just wouldn't do it. First I went to Ypump and then Zumba. I really had a great time in Zumba today, some of my favorite people were there and we just had some fun. The Sunday classes are so much smaller, but I really feel like I get more out of them. Afterward, I saw that I was right around 8000 steps... I really did not want to leave until I hit 10,000 steps. So I headed upstairs with Jamie and we walked the track. I think I literally walked an extra mile. We didn't really keep count of the laps because I was mainly going for that 10000 steps.
Once I achieved my goal, we went downstairs to get cleaned up and headed to see some of our friends that we hardly ever get to see. We ended up spending the entire evening there and it was wonderful! Here it is almost midnight and I am driving home using the talk to text feature on my phone so that I can get my blog posted! LOL that's how dedicated I am to you guys!
So, if there are any really weird spots in this blog you will know it's because I used the talk-to-text feature. LOL. We made a dinner at my friend's house and they grilled and we brought some veggies and I ended up staying perfectly on point with my diet. Luckily they don't eat like crap. LOL.
Here is the breakdown of my food choices for today:
Italian turkey sausage and scrambled eggs (I did 2 whole eggs and 2 egg whites to give me a little more food without having a ton of calories) = 450 calories
A Mean Bean (lol, yes thats it, breakfast was super late since we slept in) = 220 cals
Barbecued boneless skinless chicken breast, half of a corn on the cob, about half a cup of shells and cheese, and this salad that have balsamic vinaigrette on it and a glass of Moscato = 668 cals
So that ends my day at 1368 calories. It was a perfect day! Love you guys!!! Have a Great Monday!!!
I'm soooo proud of myself!! 45 pounds gone! And now I'm only 25 pounds away from my first big goal!! (To be under 300 by Thanksgiving) I really feel like I can do it! I had a super lazy morning, did a little laundry, and watched some TV. Then I got dressed and headed to the Y. Jamie got to come with me for the second day in a row, so that was exciting! I tried really hard to talk him into going to Zumba with me, but he just wouldn't do it. First I went to Ypump and then Zumba. I really had a great time in Zumba today, some of my favorite people were there and we just had some fun. The Sunday classes are so much smaller, but I really feel like I get more out of them. Afterward, I saw that I was right around 8000 steps... I really did not want to leave until I hit 10,000 steps. So I headed upstairs with Jamie and we walked the track. I think I literally walked an extra mile. We didn't really keep count of the laps because I was mainly going for that 10000 steps.
Once I achieved my goal, we went downstairs to get cleaned up and headed to see some of our friends that we hardly ever get to see. We ended up spending the entire evening there and it was wonderful! Here it is almost midnight and I am driving home using the talk to text feature on my phone so that I can get my blog posted! LOL that's how dedicated I am to you guys!
So, if there are any really weird spots in this blog you will know it's because I used the talk-to-text feature. LOL. We made a dinner at my friend's house and they grilled and we brought some veggies and I ended up staying perfectly on point with my diet. Luckily they don't eat like crap. LOL.
Here is the breakdown of my food choices for today:
Italian turkey sausage and scrambled eggs (I did 2 whole eggs and 2 egg whites to give me a little more food without having a ton of calories) = 450 calories
A Mean Bean (lol, yes thats it, breakfast was super late since we slept in) = 220 cals
Barbecued boneless skinless chicken breast, half of a corn on the cob, about half a cup of shells and cheese, and this salad that have balsamic vinaigrette on it and a glass of Moscato = 668 cals
So that ends my day at 1368 calories. It was a perfect day! Love you guys!!! Have a Great Monday!!!
Saturday, August 20, 2016
August 20th, 2016: Cops in the Night!
So, I went to bed like normal last night...nothing interesting....until 3am. I woke up out of a dead sleep to this really loud tapping noise on our front door. I smacked Jamie and was like, "Baby, there's someone at the door." He hops and and goes in there. I was so sleep drunk that I wasn't really formulating any real thoughts yet, but he opens the door and I hear him talking to someone. I remember kindof halfway sitting up on the bed, curious who it was and what in the world they wanted. I yelled Who is It? And he comes back to the bedroom saying something about, It's the Cops and they said someone called 911 from your phone. What? Haha...how is that possible we were both asleep!
So we start hunting down the house phones. My thought was that one of our cordless phones might be at my sisters and one of her babies might have woken up in the middle of the night and be playing with the phone. Nope...both phones accounted for and my cell phone was on my nightstand.
I had to physically go to my bedroom doorway so the officers could see me and see that I was ok, before they could leave, just in case something was wrong. I told them I had no earthly idea how they could have been called because all of our phones were accounted for and we were the only ones in the home. (and my cell was on the second shelf, so it's not like my cat could've called somehow either) So weird!! They said that the weather will sometimes cause that to happen. What? I've never heard of such a thing! How strange is that? Lol...it was definitely a big ole ordeal for us. But I tell you what...I didn't have one issue with passing right back out when I went back to bed either! Haha
When I got up for Zumba, I knew it was gonna be a tough one. I had went to bed a little too late and then with the middle of the night chaos, I was still pretty tired. But...I got up. I got dressed. And I went. No excuses, right? That's harder to apply to real life than you would think. But I did it. I got to Zumba a tiny bit late thanks to a train in the middle of Sikeston, that's never happened before and I was not a happy camper about it. (my own fault for running to close on time). I walked in to the class about 5 minutes late and just jumped right in. One of my favorite girls were there and we had a good ole time during class. Afterward, I went up for another mile on the track. I really want to start walking more! I feel like it will help me get to where I can do more in regular life faster and maybe, just maybe I'll do a 5k with some friends sometime. Idk...the thought freaks me out! Lol...I always see this image of me 10 minutes behind everyone else, coming in last place. I know, I know...it doesn't matter as long as you finish the race, blah, blah, blah, but it really does matter to me. When I was in school, I was always DEAD last. And I just have no desire to do that. So I will have to get better/faster/stronger before I do that. :) It's on my mind because one of my dear besties messaged me a message of encouragement and told me that she would walk a 5k with me when I was ready.
So Jamie ACTUALLY got to go to the gym with me today, for the first time in forever. He did his own thing and then he walked the track with me and some of the Zumba ladies afterward and then he and I went and did 15 minutes in the Sauna and I was done. I felt very good about my workout and I have a nice little blister trying to form on the bottom of one of my feet no matter what I do. I keep changing up my socks and tennis shoes, but it's coming, I can feel it. Oh well...blisters are only proof of the battle. Lol
I came home and cooked an amazing lunch from this recipe that I found online, I just added a little more healthy kick to it and it turned out phenominal. It was Portabello Mushroom Caps with Mozerella Cheese, Spinach, tomatoes, and Chicken in them with a Balsamic glaze drizzled over the top. Mmmm mmm good! I was super proud of myself for my recipe mashup that turned out great!
After lunch I had to get ready for my live video that I was planning with my sister. We thought we were going to be funny and do I video of us putting on some $1 fake lashes. The only problem was, my tube had no glue in it and hers had very little and it was a crash & burn disaster. No good. Lol.Oh well! We still had some fun and acted like idiots. :)
I don't know what happened after that. I was relaxing and watching a little TV, then I was talking to one of my friends on the phone and then I ended up taking a "nap" and I KNOW I set an alarm, but I slept right through that thing buddy!! Before I know it, Jamie comes in to our room and says, "Babe are you gonna sleep all night it's 9:00"? I was like yea I guess so...then I realized I hadn't written my blog yet, or eaten dinner, or washed my face! Sheesh! What was I thinking! So that's how my day turned out!
Here is the breakdown my food choices for today:
Protein Shake, Protein Bar & Some Strawberry Lemonade (weird combo, I know, but it was actually spread out over a few hours time) = 390 cals
Portobello Mushroom Caprese Thing, Yellow Cherry Tomatoes, Red Grapes = 400 cals
Cheddar Cheese Pringles = 150 cals
Simple Salad with Chicken = 267 cals
That put me at 1207 calories for today and that's a wrap! Thank you for reading, I hope you'll tune in for my 10 week results tomorrow, I am quite curious to see what I'm going to get after a 6 pound loss last week. I'm still shooting to try to hit 300 pounds by Thanksgiving. :) I really think I can do it if I stay focused.
Good night friends!!
So we start hunting down the house phones. My thought was that one of our cordless phones might be at my sisters and one of her babies might have woken up in the middle of the night and be playing with the phone. Nope...both phones accounted for and my cell phone was on my nightstand.
I had to physically go to my bedroom doorway so the officers could see me and see that I was ok, before they could leave, just in case something was wrong. I told them I had no earthly idea how they could have been called because all of our phones were accounted for and we were the only ones in the home. (and my cell was on the second shelf, so it's not like my cat could've called somehow either) So weird!! They said that the weather will sometimes cause that to happen. What? I've never heard of such a thing! How strange is that? Lol...it was definitely a big ole ordeal for us. But I tell you what...I didn't have one issue with passing right back out when I went back to bed either! Haha
When I got up for Zumba, I knew it was gonna be a tough one. I had went to bed a little too late and then with the middle of the night chaos, I was still pretty tired. But...I got up. I got dressed. And I went. No excuses, right? That's harder to apply to real life than you would think. But I did it. I got to Zumba a tiny bit late thanks to a train in the middle of Sikeston, that's never happened before and I was not a happy camper about it. (my own fault for running to close on time). I walked in to the class about 5 minutes late and just jumped right in. One of my favorite girls were there and we had a good ole time during class. Afterward, I went up for another mile on the track. I really want to start walking more! I feel like it will help me get to where I can do more in regular life faster and maybe, just maybe I'll do a 5k with some friends sometime. Idk...the thought freaks me out! Lol...I always see this image of me 10 minutes behind everyone else, coming in last place. I know, I know...it doesn't matter as long as you finish the race, blah, blah, blah, but it really does matter to me. When I was in school, I was always DEAD last. And I just have no desire to do that. So I will have to get better/faster/stronger before I do that. :) It's on my mind because one of my dear besties messaged me a message of encouragement and told me that she would walk a 5k with me when I was ready.
So Jamie ACTUALLY got to go to the gym with me today, for the first time in forever. He did his own thing and then he walked the track with me and some of the Zumba ladies afterward and then he and I went and did 15 minutes in the Sauna and I was done. I felt very good about my workout and I have a nice little blister trying to form on the bottom of one of my feet no matter what I do. I keep changing up my socks and tennis shoes, but it's coming, I can feel it. Oh well...blisters are only proof of the battle. Lol
I came home and cooked an amazing lunch from this recipe that I found online, I just added a little more healthy kick to it and it turned out phenominal. It was Portabello Mushroom Caps with Mozerella Cheese, Spinach, tomatoes, and Chicken in them with a Balsamic glaze drizzled over the top. Mmmm mmm good! I was super proud of myself for my recipe mashup that turned out great!
After lunch I had to get ready for my live video that I was planning with my sister. We thought we were going to be funny and do I video of us putting on some $1 fake lashes. The only problem was, my tube had no glue in it and hers had very little and it was a crash & burn disaster. No good. Lol.Oh well! We still had some fun and acted like idiots. :)
I don't know what happened after that. I was relaxing and watching a little TV, then I was talking to one of my friends on the phone and then I ended up taking a "nap" and I KNOW I set an alarm, but I slept right through that thing buddy!! Before I know it, Jamie comes in to our room and says, "Babe are you gonna sleep all night it's 9:00"? I was like yea I guess so...then I realized I hadn't written my blog yet, or eaten dinner, or washed my face! Sheesh! What was I thinking! So that's how my day turned out!
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And I'm glad I got one! Haha, it was NICE. |
Here is the breakdown my food choices for today:
Protein Shake, Protein Bar & Some Strawberry Lemonade (weird combo, I know, but it was actually spread out over a few hours time) = 390 cals
Portobello Mushroom Caprese Thing, Yellow Cherry Tomatoes, Red Grapes = 400 cals
Cheddar Cheese Pringles = 150 cals
Simple Salad with Chicken = 267 cals
That put me at 1207 calories for today and that's a wrap! Thank you for reading, I hope you'll tune in for my 10 week results tomorrow, I am quite curious to see what I'm going to get after a 6 pound loss last week. I'm still shooting to try to hit 300 pounds by Thanksgiving. :) I really think I can do it if I stay focused.
Good night friends!!
food addict,
healthy eating,
obese to beast,
weight loss
Friday, August 19, 2016
August 19th, 2016: Non-Scale Victory Champion!!!
Today was a typical Friday, which, in translation means...awesome!! Lol... Out of workdays, Fridays are my total favorite, I'm everyone else who works Monday through Friday agrees! I felt so much more relieved with a lot of my work being caught up, and I really felt like it was a nice smooth day.
After work, I headed to the Y with a short (but intense) workout planned. I anticipated some strength training for my arms because I haven't done that in a while, and a vigorous 20 or so minute cardio workout on a machine. So I started with the strength training. I'm actually going to post exactly what I did today for those who might be curious. Please keep in mind that I have worked up to these numbers and if you decided to do some strength training, you should do the same. You should start with a weight that is slightly uncomfortable, and by the end of 10 reps, you should be feeling it. I started with 2 sets of 10 on most every machine I do, with a few exceptions. So here is what I did today:
Biceps Curl, 3 sets of 10 on 60 pounds
Triceps Curl, 3 sets of 10 on 70 pounds
Back Extension, 2 sets of 10 on 130 pounds (this is almost like a backwards sit up)
Machine Diablo, 2 sets of 5 on 10 pounds (this machine has a much fancier name, but I call it by what I feel it's real name should be, lol, you are in a seated position and you pull down with your hands while pulling up with your feet. So, while it says 10 pounds, I'm also pulling my whole body along with it! It's torture for your core muscles)
Chest Presses - 2 sets of 10 on 50 pounds
Pectoral Fly - 2 sets of 10 on 70 pounds
Pulldown - 2 sets of 10 on 70 pounds
It was safe to say that, after all of that, my arms were burning! I had no intention of doing anything else with my arms! Lol Afterwards, I went up to the Arc Trainer and pumped out my 20 minutes. When I was done, I was happy with what I had accomplished, but not overly excited about my calorie burn. It just wasn't enough. Then I realized that I hadn't even hit my 7,000 step goal today! No way was that gonna fly! So, I started walking the track. I never do more than 4 or 5 laps because I get bored. That's my problem with all cardio that isn't in a group class...boredom. I try lots of different things, but I'm always painstakingly aware of the slow lapsing time that appears to be in slow motion every time I exercise! What's up with that? Can anybody else relate? It's like some kind of mind torture! Haha
So I was walking, and listening to some self improvement videos. I thought, maybe I could occupy my mind enough that the time would go by faster but it didn't work. I have NO idea what those videos were about other than a few snipets here or there. So I switched over to music. That was better for sure, but my mind was seriously in a thousand places! I don't know what the deal is, but I'm pretty sure I have exercise ADHD! Haha...like seriously, I wish I could have written down the topics my brain was on...you all would be sooooo amused! But in between each little random thought, I was painfully aware of my feet. Specifically my left foot. It was burning. Like...blister is moving in kind of burn. But I kept going. I needed to get my steps!
13 laps is a mile. On my 20th lap, I hit my 7,000 steps. Lol...well shoot if I went this far, I might as well finish off that second mile. And I did!! I walked TWO WHOLE MILES! This was only the second time in my lifetime that I have accomplished that! I know that many people do much more, but for me, this is earth shattering stuff! Lol. So my day was made! I got my booty out of there and headed home to make Tacos (yes again, I made enough taco meat for 2 meals so that I would have an easier night later in the week, which just so happened to be today).
Here is the breakdown of my food choices for today:
2 packets of Strawberries & Cream Oatmeal = 260 cals
Turkey, String Cheese, Cottage Cheese, Apple Slices & Dannon Light & Fit Yogurt = 450 cals
My boss brought these homemade Brownies in! Eeeek! I just had one tiny piece! = 161 cals
3 Tacos (seriously, Amazaballs y'all) I use wheat taco tortillas and spray both sides with zero calorie butter and drape them over the racks in my oven and cook them on 350 until they are slightly browned and crispy, they get a little crispier when they cool) = 552 cals
So that put me at 1423 calories total for the day which is perfectly fine with me since I burnt a little over 1,000 of them today. :) It was a great day!
Hey, if we aren't buddies on My Fitness Pal and you are on your own journey to a fitter, healthier lifestyle, I would love to be friends on there! Look me up @ honorwarren! ALSO, if you are one of the cool kids and you have a FitBit, you should totally add me on there too! honorwarren@yahoo.com.
You guys are the BEST motivation and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the encouragement and support you give me! Especially when I get messages from people that I don't even know read my blogs and they are super sweet! You get me all pumped up and ready for my next big win! Lots of Love & Goodnight friends!
After work, I headed to the Y with a short (but intense) workout planned. I anticipated some strength training for my arms because I haven't done that in a while, and a vigorous 20 or so minute cardio workout on a machine. So I started with the strength training. I'm actually going to post exactly what I did today for those who might be curious. Please keep in mind that I have worked up to these numbers and if you decided to do some strength training, you should do the same. You should start with a weight that is slightly uncomfortable, and by the end of 10 reps, you should be feeling it. I started with 2 sets of 10 on most every machine I do, with a few exceptions. So here is what I did today:
Biceps Curl, 3 sets of 10 on 60 pounds
Triceps Curl, 3 sets of 10 on 70 pounds
Back Extension, 2 sets of 10 on 130 pounds (this is almost like a backwards sit up)
Machine Diablo, 2 sets of 5 on 10 pounds (this machine has a much fancier name, but I call it by what I feel it's real name should be, lol, you are in a seated position and you pull down with your hands while pulling up with your feet. So, while it says 10 pounds, I'm also pulling my whole body along with it! It's torture for your core muscles)
Chest Presses - 2 sets of 10 on 50 pounds
Pectoral Fly - 2 sets of 10 on 70 pounds
Pulldown - 2 sets of 10 on 70 pounds
It was safe to say that, after all of that, my arms were burning! I had no intention of doing anything else with my arms! Lol Afterwards, I went up to the Arc Trainer and pumped out my 20 minutes. When I was done, I was happy with what I had accomplished, but not overly excited about my calorie burn. It just wasn't enough. Then I realized that I hadn't even hit my 7,000 step goal today! No way was that gonna fly! So, I started walking the track. I never do more than 4 or 5 laps because I get bored. That's my problem with all cardio that isn't in a group class...boredom. I try lots of different things, but I'm always painstakingly aware of the slow lapsing time that appears to be in slow motion every time I exercise! What's up with that? Can anybody else relate? It's like some kind of mind torture! Haha
So I was walking, and listening to some self improvement videos. I thought, maybe I could occupy my mind enough that the time would go by faster but it didn't work. I have NO idea what those videos were about other than a few snipets here or there. So I switched over to music. That was better for sure, but my mind was seriously in a thousand places! I don't know what the deal is, but I'm pretty sure I have exercise ADHD! Haha...like seriously, I wish I could have written down the topics my brain was on...you all would be sooooo amused! But in between each little random thought, I was painfully aware of my feet. Specifically my left foot. It was burning. Like...blister is moving in kind of burn. But I kept going. I needed to get my steps!
13 laps is a mile. On my 20th lap, I hit my 7,000 steps. Lol...well shoot if I went this far, I might as well finish off that second mile. And I did!! I walked TWO WHOLE MILES! This was only the second time in my lifetime that I have accomplished that! I know that many people do much more, but for me, this is earth shattering stuff! Lol. So my day was made! I got my booty out of there and headed home to make Tacos (yes again, I made enough taco meat for 2 meals so that I would have an easier night later in the week, which just so happened to be today).
Here is the breakdown of my food choices for today:
2 packets of Strawberries & Cream Oatmeal = 260 cals
Turkey, String Cheese, Cottage Cheese, Apple Slices & Dannon Light & Fit Yogurt = 450 cals
My boss brought these homemade Brownies in! Eeeek! I just had one tiny piece! = 161 cals
3 Tacos (seriously, Amazaballs y'all) I use wheat taco tortillas and spray both sides with zero calorie butter and drape them over the racks in my oven and cook them on 350 until they are slightly browned and crispy, they get a little crispier when they cool) = 552 cals
So that put me at 1423 calories total for the day which is perfectly fine with me since I burnt a little over 1,000 of them today. :) It was a great day!
Hey, if we aren't buddies on My Fitness Pal and you are on your own journey to a fitter, healthier lifestyle, I would love to be friends on there! Look me up @ honorwarren! ALSO, if you are one of the cool kids and you have a FitBit, you should totally add me on there too! honorwarren@yahoo.com.
You guys are the BEST motivation and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the encouragement and support you give me! Especially when I get messages from people that I don't even know read my blogs and they are super sweet! You get me all pumped up and ready for my next big win! Lots of Love & Goodnight friends!
food addict,
healthy eating,
obese to beast,
weight loss
Thursday, August 18, 2016
August 18th, 2106: We Can't Always Be Perfect!
Well, today was a good day. Work was good, I got a lot a catching up done. It always feels good to get caught up doesn't it? I know it does to me. I hate feeling like I'm constantly rushing and going crazy trying to catch up. It turns me into a basket case! Lol...like, no joke, I have felt like a crazy ditzy girl all week! But today, I felt soooo much better! I'm headed into my slowest week of the month, so it feels great to get everything going.
After work, I headed to the Chiro, then the gym. I got to meet a couple of really nice ladies and talk about makeup, and then on to Zumba. It was a good class. I didn't burn as many calories as I wanted, mostly because my knee was feeling pretty funky and I'm always a little afraid of overdoing the twisting and stuff when it's feeling that way. I don't want to take a chance of re-injuring it and getting myself in a world of trouble. So I took it kind of easy.
I came home and went straight to work on cooking dinner. I felt like I was starving! I ate dinner and then chilled out on the couch for a bit to catch up on some Bold & Beautiful (it's important!) and I somehow ended up with a bag of Trail Mix in my hand WHICH isn't really bad for you, but it is when you eat...like....3 or 4 servings. Yup...I did that. I haven't done anything like that since I started eating healthy again. But I just kept eating and eating. It tasted SO good, and I didn't want to stop. How sad. :( I was doing so good! I think I still had less than 1800 calories today, but I honestly don't know for sure, because I didn't measure it. We can't be perfect all the time. So....I just have to make piece with it and move on with my life. And maybe do some jumping jacks before I go to bed to make up for it a little, lol.
Alight, that's all I've got for tonight. Tomorrow is Friday and I am soooo ready!! People always talk about struggling more with diet and exercise on the weekends, Shoot! Not me! Those are my BEST days! I don't get it at all. I feel more energy and get my workouts in early so that I can feel accomplished for the day! Especially Saturdays! Haha... And something about staying busy throughout the day just helps me keep from feeling like I want to snack all the time.
Anywho...here is the breakdown for my food choices today:
PB Smoothie = 210 cals
Turkey, baby carrots cottage cheese, 2 string cheese, peach yogurt = 415 cals
Petite Sirloin Steak, Roasted Red Potatoes, Boiled Broccoli = 441 cals
Too much Trail Mix = Aprox 420 cals
I put my total at 1690 calories. I'm sure it's actually a little higher than that, but I just don't know. Tomorrow is a new day to make better food choices. I REFUSE to let that one failure dictate how I feel about my day. I had a good day until then. I WILL do better tomorrow.
After work, I headed to the Chiro, then the gym. I got to meet a couple of really nice ladies and talk about makeup, and then on to Zumba. It was a good class. I didn't burn as many calories as I wanted, mostly because my knee was feeling pretty funky and I'm always a little afraid of overdoing the twisting and stuff when it's feeling that way. I don't want to take a chance of re-injuring it and getting myself in a world of trouble. So I took it kind of easy.
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See, that's my, "I'm having a good day" face. Haha |
Alight, that's all I've got for tonight. Tomorrow is Friday and I am soooo ready!! People always talk about struggling more with diet and exercise on the weekends, Shoot! Not me! Those are my BEST days! I don't get it at all. I feel more energy and get my workouts in early so that I can feel accomplished for the day! Especially Saturdays! Haha... And something about staying busy throughout the day just helps me keep from feeling like I want to snack all the time.
Anywho...here is the breakdown for my food choices today:
PB Smoothie = 210 cals
Turkey, baby carrots cottage cheese, 2 string cheese, peach yogurt = 415 cals
Petite Sirloin Steak, Roasted Red Potatoes, Boiled Broccoli = 441 cals
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It's ok to be jealous, it was amazing! Lol |
Too much Trail Mix = Aprox 420 cals
I put my total at 1690 calories. I'm sure it's actually a little higher than that, but I just don't know. Tomorrow is a new day to make better food choices. I REFUSE to let that one failure dictate how I feel about my day. I had a good day until then. I WILL do better tomorrow.
food addict,
healthy eating,
obese to beast,
weight loss
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
August 17th, 2016: Confidence
Well thank you all so much for all of the encouraging words over my crazy awful day yesterday!! You all really did make me totally feel better!
Today really was soooo much better. Work was still busy, life was still hectic, but I sure am thankful for the normalcy of my life! There's nothing like a potential scam to make you appreciate your crazy life!
I had a good eyelash day today and I had to get a good pic! Haha! But seriously today I've been reflecting on my confidence. My confidence has changed so SO much over this last year. It all started, strangely enough, with this show called, "My Big Fat Fabulous Life". The girl that the show is about is all about this "Body Positivity" movement and to stop Body Shaming for any reason. Which I am sooo on board with. It really made me start reevaluating how I looked at myself and how I felt about myself. I started taking better care of myself, I started my own makeup biz, I started dressing a little nicer again and I started just caring what image I put out there to the world. It has changed how I feel about myself soooo much and it has changed how people talk to me too!
I hadn't really given it much thought, but it really is so important to me. I LIKE the way I feel! I don't like body shaming, but that doesn't mean I have to me happy to stay the way I am either. I can love myself WHILE I'm improving myself. I think we could all do some of that.
After work, I went to the Y to do a water exercise day. It was so much fun! We did some of the same exercises we did last week and added some all new ones and I think we did pretty good! I like it extra because it gives me some girl time too to be able to visit with my cousins.
After that I came on home and cooked a quick dinner because Jamie had to go somewhere and we wanted to get dinner done before he left. :) And that's it. Now my sis is over here with her boys to visit for bit before bed. You guys have a great Thursday tomorrow!
Here is the breakdown of my food choices for today:
2 packets of Peaches & Cream Oatmeal = 260 cals
Left over Chinese, Baby Carrots, Cottage Cheese, Lite String Cheese, Sliced Apples = 401 cals
Boneless Chops, Side Salad and Corn on the Cob = 521 cals
Total so far is 1182, I may stay there and I may have a snack, I'm just not committing to a decision right now.
Today really was soooo much better. Work was still busy, life was still hectic, but I sure am thankful for the normalcy of my life! There's nothing like a potential scam to make you appreciate your crazy life!
I had a good eyelash day today and I had to get a good pic! Haha! But seriously today I've been reflecting on my confidence. My confidence has changed so SO much over this last year. It all started, strangely enough, with this show called, "My Big Fat Fabulous Life". The girl that the show is about is all about this "Body Positivity" movement and to stop Body Shaming for any reason. Which I am sooo on board with. It really made me start reevaluating how I looked at myself and how I felt about myself. I started taking better care of myself, I started my own makeup biz, I started dressing a little nicer again and I started just caring what image I put out there to the world. It has changed how I feel about myself soooo much and it has changed how people talk to me too!
I hadn't really given it much thought, but it really is so important to me. I LIKE the way I feel! I don't like body shaming, but that doesn't mean I have to me happy to stay the way I am either. I can love myself WHILE I'm improving myself. I think we could all do some of that.
After work, I went to the Y to do a water exercise day. It was so much fun! We did some of the same exercises we did last week and added some all new ones and I think we did pretty good! I like it extra because it gives me some girl time too to be able to visit with my cousins.
After that I came on home and cooked a quick dinner because Jamie had to go somewhere and we wanted to get dinner done before he left. :) And that's it. Now my sis is over here with her boys to visit for bit before bed. You guys have a great Thursday tomorrow!
Here is the breakdown of my food choices for today:
2 packets of Peaches & Cream Oatmeal = 260 cals
Left over Chinese, Baby Carrots, Cottage Cheese, Lite String Cheese, Sliced Apples = 401 cals
Boneless Chops, Side Salad and Corn on the Cob = 521 cals
Total so far is 1182, I may stay there and I may have a snack, I'm just not committing to a decision right now.
food addict,
healthy eating,
obese to beast,
weight loss
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
August 16th, 2016: Jail Yesterday, Court Today, What is this world Coming to!?!
So, my day started out like any other. I stayed in bed to long and then rushed to get ready and get out of the house on time.
See, pretty normal. I had no idea that my day was going to turn out how it did. So not to long after I arrived at work I got an email from our licensing worker at the Children's Division. We haven't pulled our license or anything, because that feels too final. I had totally neglected to consider the fact that even if we don't decided to foster anymore, we can still adopt. I sold our beds. I have been dealing with a lot, emotionally, and I just didn't want to see that empty bed in the bedroom. So, without much thought, I sold them and we started converting our extra room into an office. Done.
Then, I get an email today. A profile for a child available for adoption. I could almost literally feel the blood drain out of my body. What am I doing? How did I forget this was an option? I haven't gotten a profile in MANY months because they knew we were trying to get the placement of our niece. And before, when we would get the profiles, they would be for multiple children, kids too old for daycare, kids too young for school, etc. All kinds of things that don't work for a couple that both work and don't have family that can just watch two or three kids whenever we need them too. With the system, everyone has to have background checks and all this stuff, and people just don't want to deal with all of that. I can't blame them, it's not their kids. So...I kindof just closed my brain to the thought that we would ever be able to have a child. It's almost too much for me to take. All of this getting your hopes up, only to have them choose another couple. It's very, very hard. I don't like it. I don't like the constant reminder that I'm not adequate. I do that to myself enough, so why should I put myself through that. I just don't know. But I requested the long profile (pretty much just more info on the child and their history). We would love to be able to have the chance to adopt her, but I guess we will see what is in store for us on that front.
So, I had all of that going on, and then I get this call from this woman on my work phone, asking for me and telling me that she has papers that she needs to deliver to me with an affidavit for court. I ask her what in the world for and she tells me the records are sealed and she can't tell me, but she gives me the contact info for the person who can tell me. Long story short, this guy tells me that "his client" bought an old medical bill of mine and they are going to SUE me for the payment because I have deglected to respond to their requests via mail. I had never received a single thing! I am a little crazy about that stuff because we have been working out BUTTS off for two years trying to clean up our credit so that we can buy a darn house. And here comes this crazy call saying that a $750 original bill is going to cost me $1500 if I pay it today before 3pm to keep it from going to court, but if it goes to court it will be $3600. I call the hospital, they show a $94 bill...that's it. This guy knew my full name, social security # (which he blurted out over the phone, who does that) and my address and my work and cell #'s. I can't fathom how he would have gotten all of that info unless he was legit. I was losing my dang mind trying to figure out what to do. My cousin Brandon did some digging and the number that I talked to him on had been reported as spam, other complaints had him knowing all of their info and using a different Law Offices name. What a mess right??
I decided to just wash my hands of it. I requested the information that the hospital told me to request and he denied me and told me he would be sending me a summons. Well if that really happens, I sure have a LOT to tell the judge!
By the time my work day was over, I didn't get NEAR the amount of work done that I needed to, so I will be doing double duty tomorrow to catch up, but also, I was just a super stressed out hot mess! As I'm sure you can imagine. I set in the gym parking lot for 30 solid minutes, before I made myself go in. It was hard. I did NOT have it in me.
See that pouty face? Lol...I was totally done with the day and ready to eat a cheeseburger, some pizza, potato skins and a big ole blizzard...I wanted to say screw it all and go crazy. But did I? You know I didn't! I took my big booty into that gym and I very poorly pushed through Zumba. Lol
I screwed up a meeting time that I had with a few ladies about makeup, so I ended up going to the China Buffet and grabbing dinner and ate mine on the way home since I felt like I was about to starve to death. The end.
Lol...ok not the end...I went home and, if you don't already know, my apartment and my sister's are across the hall from each other, so I peaked in her window. She has been sick and so have her babies, so I just wanted to see how they were holding up. I ended up just having to go see them because the boys were playing so darn cute and I needed to play with them! Haha....I stayed way longer than I meant to, but it was a great visit. NOW, I'm ready for bed!
Here is the breakdown of my food choices for today:
2 packets of Strawberries and Cream Oatmeal = 260 cals
Celery w/Peanut Butter, turkey, string cheese x2, Dannon yogurt = 374 cals
3 chicken on a sticks, broccoli beef dish, breaded shrimp and some black pepper chicken = 773ish cals
Which puts me way high from what I've been at for a few weeks with 1567, but after the day I had, I say, blah...I don't care! LOL Praying for a waaaaaaay better Hump Day!!! Talk to ya then!!
See, pretty normal. I had no idea that my day was going to turn out how it did. So not to long after I arrived at work I got an email from our licensing worker at the Children's Division. We haven't pulled our license or anything, because that feels too final. I had totally neglected to consider the fact that even if we don't decided to foster anymore, we can still adopt. I sold our beds. I have been dealing with a lot, emotionally, and I just didn't want to see that empty bed in the bedroom. So, without much thought, I sold them and we started converting our extra room into an office. Done.
Then, I get an email today. A profile for a child available for adoption. I could almost literally feel the blood drain out of my body. What am I doing? How did I forget this was an option? I haven't gotten a profile in MANY months because they knew we were trying to get the placement of our niece. And before, when we would get the profiles, they would be for multiple children, kids too old for daycare, kids too young for school, etc. All kinds of things that don't work for a couple that both work and don't have family that can just watch two or three kids whenever we need them too. With the system, everyone has to have background checks and all this stuff, and people just don't want to deal with all of that. I can't blame them, it's not their kids. So...I kindof just closed my brain to the thought that we would ever be able to have a child. It's almost too much for me to take. All of this getting your hopes up, only to have them choose another couple. It's very, very hard. I don't like it. I don't like the constant reminder that I'm not adequate. I do that to myself enough, so why should I put myself through that. I just don't know. But I requested the long profile (pretty much just more info on the child and their history). We would love to be able to have the chance to adopt her, but I guess we will see what is in store for us on that front.
So, I had all of that going on, and then I get this call from this woman on my work phone, asking for me and telling me that she has papers that she needs to deliver to me with an affidavit for court. I ask her what in the world for and she tells me the records are sealed and she can't tell me, but she gives me the contact info for the person who can tell me. Long story short, this guy tells me that "his client" bought an old medical bill of mine and they are going to SUE me for the payment because I have deglected to respond to their requests via mail. I had never received a single thing! I am a little crazy about that stuff because we have been working out BUTTS off for two years trying to clean up our credit so that we can buy a darn house. And here comes this crazy call saying that a $750 original bill is going to cost me $1500 if I pay it today before 3pm to keep it from going to court, but if it goes to court it will be $3600. I call the hospital, they show a $94 bill...that's it. This guy knew my full name, social security # (which he blurted out over the phone, who does that) and my address and my work and cell #'s. I can't fathom how he would have gotten all of that info unless he was legit. I was losing my dang mind trying to figure out what to do. My cousin Brandon did some digging and the number that I talked to him on had been reported as spam, other complaints had him knowing all of their info and using a different Law Offices name. What a mess right??
I decided to just wash my hands of it. I requested the information that the hospital told me to request and he denied me and told me he would be sending me a summons. Well if that really happens, I sure have a LOT to tell the judge!
By the time my work day was over, I didn't get NEAR the amount of work done that I needed to, so I will be doing double duty tomorrow to catch up, but also, I was just a super stressed out hot mess! As I'm sure you can imagine. I set in the gym parking lot for 30 solid minutes, before I made myself go in. It was hard. I did NOT have it in me.
See that pouty face? Lol...I was totally done with the day and ready to eat a cheeseburger, some pizza, potato skins and a big ole blizzard...I wanted to say screw it all and go crazy. But did I? You know I didn't! I took my big booty into that gym and I very poorly pushed through Zumba. Lol
I screwed up a meeting time that I had with a few ladies about makeup, so I ended up going to the China Buffet and grabbing dinner and ate mine on the way home since I felt like I was about to starve to death. The end.
Lol...ok not the end...I went home and, if you don't already know, my apartment and my sister's are across the hall from each other, so I peaked in her window. She has been sick and so have her babies, so I just wanted to see how they were holding up. I ended up just having to go see them because the boys were playing so darn cute and I needed to play with them! Haha....I stayed way longer than I meant to, but it was a great visit. NOW, I'm ready for bed!
Here is the breakdown of my food choices for today:
2 packets of Strawberries and Cream Oatmeal = 260 cals
Celery w/Peanut Butter, turkey, string cheese x2, Dannon yogurt = 374 cals
3 chicken on a sticks, broccoli beef dish, breaded shrimp and some black pepper chicken = 773ish cals
Which puts me way high from what I've been at for a few weeks with 1567, but after the day I had, I say, blah...I don't care! LOL Praying for a waaaaaaay better Hump Day!!! Talk to ya then!!
food addict,
healthy eating,
obese to beast,
weight loss
Monday, August 15, 2016
August 15th, 2016: How I got Put in Jail...
Ok...so....some of you may have noticed that my blog was posted super crazy last night. Yea...It turns out that I got put in Facebook Jail. How sad is that? Lol I was pretty upset. I even emailed facebook, but they don't care about my life. They didn't even send me a generic auto response. How rude! Lol
So....you may not know this, but if people report a photo as spam, then anytime that photo is uploaded to facebook they get a notification and they put whoever that person is in Facebook jail. The severity depends on how many times you've been caught doing something like that. For me...I was just blocked from posting any outside links, pictures or videos. I am hoping it was just for 24 hours and I'll be able to share this blog tonight, but we shall see.
Today was a typical Monday. Pretty crazy. I usually go to the gym on Mondays and take Tuesday's off, but I'm going to meet someone after Zumba tomorrow, so I took today off instead.
I went to the Chiropractor but they were super behind, so I ended up being there for almost an hour, which is REALLY uncommon. I was pretty happy about the day off from the gym since my entire body seams to be aching from the torture I put her through yesterday. Lol. My sister said I was trying to kill her by taking her to YPump. LOL...it kicked my booty because I missed 2 weeks in a row. All of that repetitive weight training really makes your muscles ache!
I came home and made a SUPER delicious dinner of tacos and homemade refried beans. It was seriously the tastiest thing I've eaten in a while. And because food makes be happy...that made me happy. Lol. I wish my happiness wasn't linked to what I eat...but sadly, it is. I'm working on that mind shift, but it's definitely difficult.
I sat here and blabbed all over facebook and messaged some friends and watched a little television and now it's already almost 9:00. Where does the time go? I mean seriously. It's like the work day drags on for 5,000 hours and then you get off of work and BOOM time for bed. Lol.
Alright enough blabbing, here is my breakdown of my food choices for today:
PB Smoothie and Apple slices = 315 cals
Jennie-O Sun-dried Tomato Turkey, baby carrots, cottage cheese, and 2 string cheese = 335 cals
3 Tacos (yes, 3, don't judge me...lol!) and homemade Refried beans = 662 cals
That put me at 1312 calories for the day. And I even had enough meat left over to put up for tacos again later this week. That's exciting! Lol.
Thanks for tuning in friends! Y'all have an amazing Tuesday!!
So....you may not know this, but if people report a photo as spam, then anytime that photo is uploaded to facebook they get a notification and they put whoever that person is in Facebook jail. The severity depends on how many times you've been caught doing something like that. For me...I was just blocked from posting any outside links, pictures or videos. I am hoping it was just for 24 hours and I'll be able to share this blog tonight, but we shall see.
Today was a typical Monday. Pretty crazy. I usually go to the gym on Mondays and take Tuesday's off, but I'm going to meet someone after Zumba tomorrow, so I took today off instead.
I went to the Chiropractor but they were super behind, so I ended up being there for almost an hour, which is REALLY uncommon. I was pretty happy about the day off from the gym since my entire body seams to be aching from the torture I put her through yesterday. Lol. My sister said I was trying to kill her by taking her to YPump. LOL...it kicked my booty because I missed 2 weeks in a row. All of that repetitive weight training really makes your muscles ache!
I came home and made a SUPER delicious dinner of tacos and homemade refried beans. It was seriously the tastiest thing I've eaten in a while. And because food makes be happy...that made me happy. Lol. I wish my happiness wasn't linked to what I eat...but sadly, it is. I'm working on that mind shift, but it's definitely difficult.
I sat here and blabbed all over facebook and messaged some friends and watched a little television and now it's already almost 9:00. Where does the time go? I mean seriously. It's like the work day drags on for 5,000 hours and then you get off of work and BOOM time for bed. Lol.
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Oh you know, just acting dumb...haha! |
Alright enough blabbing, here is my breakdown of my food choices for today:
PB Smoothie and Apple slices = 315 cals
Jennie-O Sun-dried Tomato Turkey, baby carrots, cottage cheese, and 2 string cheese = 335 cals
3 Tacos (yes, 3, don't judge me...lol!) and homemade Refried beans = 662 cals
That put me at 1312 calories for the day. And I even had enough meat left over to put up for tacos again later this week. That's exciting! Lol.
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My super yummy Tacos!! |
Thanks for tuning in friends! Y'all have an amazing Tuesday!!
food addict,
healthy eating,
obese to beast,
weight loss
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