Saturday, August 13, 2016

August 13th, 2016: New Office Space

Oh what a day! I've kindof procrastinated a bit on my blog tonight because I've been pretty busy all day and I was just tired! Lol

I got up at 8 (very sadly) and grabbed an orange and a protein shake and headed to the Y. After an hour of Zumba I went up to the Arc Trainer. I haven't been on it in a while and was wanting to get some more calories burnt! While on there I met a couple of really nice ladies that were SO supportive of my journey and they got me all fired up and motivated for the rest of my workout. Something about being told how great you are doing really gets me going! So I did 20 minutes on the Arc Trainer and then I walked on the track to round it out to an extra half hour of cardio. I really wanted to do the Strength Training Machines today, but I just didn't have time. I had a Live video scheduled for 1pm and I needed to go to Walmart to get a new mount for my phone (I use the car mount that is meant for your vehicle window for my mirror to do makeup videos) :) My old one has mysteriously disappeared!

So I got what I needed from Walmart and headed home to do my first live makeup video. It was nerve wracking! I changed shirts two times and still wasn't happy with how I looked. The video camera is very unforgiving! I mean, I'm always self-conscious when I know people are watching me, but this was a whole new level! It did go ok though...after I turned my wifi on...haha. That kindof made the first half of the video not so good, but the last half was good, so not bad for my first one.

After the Live session was over, my mom and dad came by for a visit. I love when I get to hog them all to myself. LOL. My sister was out of town all day with her kiddos (I missed them), but it gave me the opportunity to hog mom and dad and I really enjoyed it! We sat outside for a while and I discovered something just fabulous! My sister has a rocking chair out front that I could never sit in because it was SERIOUSLY painful! back was hurting me, and I thought...hmm...I I sat down. It was still super smooshy and slightly uncomfortable BUT I could sit in it! SCORE! I'm so happy to find these small gains because they really tell me that my body IS changing, even if it doesn't really show to the outside world yet. My daddy asked me how much weight I've lost, and I told him 36 pounds and he says, "Oh, I can't tell". Sheesh, leave it to daddy to be brutally honest! LOL. I mean in the grand scheme of things it's not much. Not considering I was 371 pounds when I started. I still have a looooong way to go! But at LEAST that number is going down every week. I'm ready for my weigh in tomorrow, but also anxious as usual. I know that a week is going to come where I don't keep losing 3 or more pounds a week, and I just keep expecting it. Hopefully it's not this week, but we shall see. ;)

I spent the rest of the afternoon working on our second bedroom and doing some organizing. Since we aren't going to be getting our niece, we aren't going to be fostering anymore. It's just so hard to do with both of us having full-time jobs that aren't very flexible. And we had our hearts broken, so we just aren't in a place where we want to do it anymore. I want both of us to focus on our health and our relationship and see where that takes us.

I can't wait to get my office space set up! It's going to be like a desk and vanity in one so that I can work my makeup business all from one spot. I'm pretty excited about it! I got a nice large mirror today and I'm going to rig some lighting up in there and get it all organized. I can't wait!

I'm headed to bed y'all! I hope you'll tune in to see what my 9 week results are tomorrow!

Here's the breakdown of my food choices for today:

Small Orange and a Protein Shake = 145 cals

That Penne Pesto Dish..mmmm = 400 cals

I picked up some sugar free Werther's at Walmart today, ate a serving (5candies) = 40 cals

Beef Cube Steak, Broccoli, Small tomato, 2 string cheese, and balsamic mushrooms = 309 cals

After Dinner snack because I still had to many calories left
Avocado Dip with Simply Pinto Bean Chips = 310 cals

That put me at 1204 calories total for the day. I feel like I ate way more than that. I'm stuffed! But it's because I haven't been forcing myself to eat in the mornings so much anymore when I'm not hungry, so I end up with less calories at the end of the day. It seems to be working for me, but we shall see what the scale says tomorrow. Good night y'all!!! Have a great Sunday friends. :)

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