Wednesday, August 17, 2016

August 17th, 2016: Confidence

Well thank you all so much for all of the encouraging words over my crazy awful day yesterday!! You all really did make me totally feel better!

Today really was soooo much better. Work was still busy, life was still hectic, but I sure am thankful for the normalcy of my life! There's nothing like a potential scam to make you appreciate your crazy life!

I had a good eyelash day today and I had to get a good pic! Haha! But seriously today I've been reflecting on my confidence. My confidence has changed so SO much over this last year. It all started, strangely enough, with this show called, "My Big Fat Fabulous Life". The girl that the show is about is all about this "Body Positivity" movement and to stop Body Shaming for any reason. Which I am sooo on board with. It really made me start reevaluating how I looked at myself and how I felt about myself. I started taking better care of myself, I started my own makeup biz, I started dressing a little nicer again and I started just caring what image I put out there to the world. It has changed how I feel about myself soooo much and it has changed how people talk to me too!

I hadn't really given it much thought, but it really is so important to me. I LIKE the way I feel! I don't like body shaming, but that doesn't mean I have to me happy to stay the way I am either. I can love myself WHILE I'm improving myself. I think we could all do some of that.

After work, I went to the Y to do a water exercise day. It was so much fun! We did some of the same exercises we did last week and added some all new ones and I think we did pretty good! I like it extra because it gives me some girl time too to be able to visit with my cousins.

After that I came on home and cooked a quick dinner because Jamie had to go somewhere and we wanted to get dinner done before he left. :) And that's it. Now my sis is over here with her boys to visit for bit before bed. You guys have a great Thursday tomorrow!

Here is the breakdown of my food choices for today:

2 packets of Peaches & Cream Oatmeal = 260 cals

Left over Chinese, Baby Carrots, Cottage Cheese, Lite String Cheese, Sliced Apples = 401 cals

Boneless Chops, Side Salad and Corn on the Cob = 521 cals

Total so far is 1182, I may stay there and I may have a snack, I'm just not committing to a decision right now.

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